ALBUQUERQUE, NM – 9/23/2013 – Prominent United States Senator’s wives, Jill Cooper Udall and Anne Bingaman have been announced as the primary committee hosts of a fundraiser being held in Santa Fe on Saturday, October 12, 2013. An abortion extremist group has announced this fundraiser in order to support their endeavor to defeat the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” to appear on an upcoming city-wide ballot in Albuquerque.
“Santa Fe elitists and abortion extremists bringing in their big-money backers to silence the voice of Albuquerque citizens – a majority of who support this measure – simply illustrates how out-of-touch these extremists are with ordinary Albuquerque citizens who do not want the lucrative and dangerous late-term abortion industry operating in our backyard,” said Elisa Martinez, Executive Director of Protect ABQ Women & Children.
Doctors Glenna and Curtis Boyd of Southwestern Women’s Options, the nation’s largest late-term abortion facility, where now three of the country’s only five late-term abortion providers operate, are scheduled to make an appearance at the fundraiser as well. The suggested donation for this high-dollar fundraiser is $100 per ticket on up.
In New Mexico, abortion is legal, for any reason, up until the day of birth. At least 13 other states have passed 20-week abortion bans and court rulings have set precedents that allows for states and municipalities to restrict abortions on behalf of the unborn child when there is compelling reason.
In July, members of Protect ABQ Women & Children, along with other pro-life groups, turned in nearly 27,000 signatures, more than double the necessary needed to put the measure on a city-wide ballot, in half the allotted time. Protect ABQ Women & Children is a local advocacy campaign that is working to raise awareness of the dangers of the late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque and to support the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance” which bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. |
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