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Don’t Let The World Label Your Child

angel murchisonBy: Angel Murchison

At church last night I held a baby so small 7 pounds. I believe he is approximately 2 months old, a precious, precious gift from above. On face book last night I watched a short clip of a video as I smiled at a mother kissing her baby over and over again as the baby would come back for another kiss. I chuckled at the expression on the babies face and the mother as well. I pondered in my mind last evening the greatness that God had placed within each of them. The deposit the creator of the universe put inside each of those children to impact our world. I told a friend last evening don’t let the world label your child, you tell the world what the Lord and his word says about your child.
I prayed with a teacher and encouraged her in her calling before I called it a night as she embarks on instructing theses precious gifts on her first year of teaching. A woman so full of love, laughter, kindness, gentleness, someone it would be a privilege to have your child taught by. Oh God let them feel your love thru her each and every day I pray. Let her instill in them the greatness they have inside.
I awoke this morning early to pray for my grandchildren once again. Oh Lord don’t let the world leave your mark on them let them leave their mark on the world, I pray. One of my grandsons Mason started pre-kindergarten just a few days ago. Oh God may his understanding be open and may he ease into this new transition in life. I pray he finds knowledge there, but not his identity, for his identity is in you. I pray he will walk in the greatness you have placed within him. Not settling for anything less. Little Evan Lord I pray he too finds the deposit of greatness inside of him early in his life. Let him enjoy the days of a child filled with discovery. Every day a new discovery as the day unfolds.
I have a daughter that recently told me she was expecting a baby. I purchased a willow tree angel named Miracle for her. It truly is a miracle the whole journey of pregnancy and delivery. Bringing forth new life and carrying that life until it’s time to make his or her presence known in this world. The exact day and time no man knows, just the creator. Thank you for a healthy pregnancy and another precious grandchild I pray.
Today, Lord I pray for all mankind. A reminder of who you created us to be. We have been destined for greatness because you created us and because you live inside of us. Help us to believe you desire only the best for us. Today dream big, set big goals and let the creator of the universe order your footsteps. If you have stumbled, messed up, got mixed up, or the left his fold, your welcome back today. He is only one prayer a way.
Enjoy your day…It is a miracle day….

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

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