Emmanuel Ministries Thanks FGGAM


September 17, 2013
Thanks again, Pastor Dewey, for coming and being such a blessing to EMMANUEL Ministries International’s first Annual Fall Camp meeting
It was a tremendous blessing to have Pastor Dewey minister at our Camp meeting last Friday. Oh my, what a blessing he was to us — full of the fire of God!
Pastor Dewey is a man of God who teaches and preaches from the heart. His message was straight from the Holy Spirit full of God’s love and power. It was so clear that He had the Word for the hour from Psalm 145 because that was the Psalm with which the Holy Spirit had me to begin our service. That was glorious! God wanted us to extol Him, take notice of His awesome acts of love, mercy and grace and, therefore, stand in awe of Him. His message was about the “Awe of God.” We all left there with the desire to walk in the reverential fear of God, recognizing who He is and standing in awe of His awesome love and power.
The compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ flows through him and because of that many young people were delivered from pornography and the “garbage” with which they were walking around. He preached with boldness and yet with love, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He declared, “I’m not leaving until you get rid of the garbage that has been in your life.” It was a great time of watching this man of God flow with boldness, love and compassion under the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Dewey needs to be in many more churches so that the Word and the passion–the fire of God which flows through him can impact, ignite and change more lives in the church, in our cities and state.

God Bless you all

Barbara Gould

Founder of Emmanuel Ministries Internationalbarbara


Rio Rancho, NM


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