Let your Light Shine for Jesus!

lightsaturdayDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Never let an impossible situation intimidate you.Let it motivate you – to pray more, trust more, expect more. Rick Warren
If you are disorganized, you pay a price,  a price of pain and time. Pastor Dewey
Please pray this day for Steve Minor’s Mom, Jean, who is having chronic back issues. We pray healing over Jean! In Jesus name, Amen!
Let us also pray for little Logan who has had some health issues, he is just a little guy, Grandson of Shari Hardway Johnson who has become a wonderful friend of ours.  Shari Posts on a regular basis at FGGAM. We pray healing over Logan! In Jesus name Amen! 
Lord willing, Friday I am traveling to Santa Fe with Pastor Mark Tross to attend a Prayer Breakfast, as we pray with and for New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez. Please pray over this prayer meeting.
Harvest America with Greg Laurie is coming up Sunday Sept. 29th at Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, NM. What a great event! It all starts at 5pm on the 29th at Valley View. For more details and a Church near you, go here: https://harvestamerica.com/ I also know from the information that Pastor Leonard Navarre gave me that our Dear friend Pastor Mark Tross is holding Harvest America at Victory Church of God in Grants. Just think over 4000,000 have come to Christ in the last 23 years through Harvest Crusades. PRAISE GOD!!!!! Let us pray for a HUGE HARVEST!
I am blessed to share with you that on Sept. 17th I will be teaching Men’s Bible Study at Valley View! Please join us!
Let your light shine this day and all days for Jesus. We have the most awesome sunrises in Albuquerque this shot that I have posted is taken From our driveway. You and I get to serve the God who created the sun!
Let me post again what I shared yesterday from Oswald Chambers, it fit’s Harvest America so well and we also got a response from Chuck on this posting:“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” John 20:21—-to put in a sickle, to reap. All over the world there are crises in lives; they are all around us, unbelieving and Christians. We meet them by the score every day we live, but unless we are set on obeying our master’s orders we shall never see them. Supposing the crisis comes in my father’s life, my brother’s life, am I there as a laborer that that harvest may be reaped for Jesus? Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”: and we cannot disciple others unless we ourselves are disciples. The evangelical emphasis has too often been, “So many souls saved, thank God, now they are all right,” the idea being that we have done this thing for God. It is God who saves; we have to do the discipling after people are saved.  By Oswald Chambers.
Here is a reply from Chuck on the post:
Right on target Dewey!  A lot of ministers and ministries look for that magic number of attendees, or fish caught but are they cleaning those fish?  I say by in large they are not as the message then becomes watered down and eventually the church becomes a shell of its former self lacking the power to blow the fuzz off of a peach.  But the hope is that through discipleship, just as Jesus did with his close inner circle, we reach the world with the true power of The Holy Spirit.  That is the triumphant church.  That is why the first century church was so on fire and alive and accomplishing through action.  It is not unlike the family business that passes from the generation who built it to the next and possibly to a third but rarely to a fourth generation as the meaning, the cost associated with it, and the power of the original is not as known due to a lack of discipleship, remembrance of the obstacles overcome and the sin of familiarity (easy believe-ism).
Herb Hodges has a book on the matter of discipleship called Tally Ho the Fox.  Herb basically has taken the Jesus model of reaching as many as possible with the Gospel but focusing our individual efforts on the few we can have real impact on thus empowering them to do the same with great fervor.  It is a force multiplier.  Chambers was right, salvation is just the first step of a life of growing and moving from glory to glory in Christ.
Thank you Chuck! 
Please pray for us as we continue to grow in the Lord here at the CUP and FGGAM! We are having about a 1,000 visitors every two days during the week! PRAISE GOD! We are so blessed by all those who post Inspiration and news on FGGAM.ORG! www.fggam.org Now I have said this for years, the best news commentator in the world is Pastor Paul Holt, who I got started as a newsman when I was at KKIM. Paul has an excellent post you need to read: A Day of Trumpets and A New Year, The First of The Fall Feats: https://fggam.org/a-day-of-trumpets-and-a-new-year-the-first-of-the-fall-feasts/
I also would invite you to read this Post by our Dear friend Pastor Steve Hickey Pastor in Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Prozac Christianity and the Gospel, Isn’t Jesus enough?   https://fggam.org/pastor-steve-hickey-prozac-christianity-and-the-gospel-isnt-jesus-enough/
We are very busy each day posting stories to inspire and inform the world. Please pray for us.
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family.

Visit us today!


If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- https://fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede


If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

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