New Poll Shows Co-Ed Bathroom Law Headed to Defeat Once Voters Have a Say



Contact: Karen Englan ,

/Christian Newswire/ — A new poll shows that a majority of Californians are poised to reject a law that opens public school showers, bathrooms and locker room facilities to students of the opposite sex based on “gender identity.” The poll conducted by SmithJohnson Research for the Privacy For All Students coalition showed that 51% of voters oppose the recently-enacted law (AB 1266) while only 34% support it. [The question asked and details of the poll are provided below.]

“The results of this poll are extremely encouraging, and show that Californians reject the idea that the most private school facilities should be opened to students of the opposite sex based on a claim of gender identity,” said Karen England, a member of the Privacy For All Students coalition that is working to qualify a referendum giving voters the final say on the recently-enacted AB 1266. “Even when read the very biased ballot language written by Attorney General Kamala Harris, a large majority of voters reject it, Most voters surveyed are strongly opposed to this new law.”

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