We are Marshall!!!!

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We love you! Please visit us at www.fggam.org      Please keep us in your prayers! Thank you! 
Photo: A sign at Henry Ford Museum, near Detroit, Michigan. Do you agree?
Thank you for stopping by for a CUP! We love you all! 
Let us pray over these needs…………..
We pray for Carol Ring who just had heart surgery and has been delayed in getting released because of breathing problems. We pray for healing over carol, in Jesus name Amen!
We pray for Rick Stambaugh who was in the ER yesterday for breathing problems. The Doctor said it was because of inflammation from the radiation for cancer treatment. We pray the healing of Jesus over Rick! In Jesus  name, Amen!
Last night I watched the movie, WE ARE MARSHALL, Sharon got it for me. I was a freshman in High School when this tragedy occurred. I still remember it today! It is a story of great heartbreak, but also great leadership………….
On November 14, 1970, a chartered jet carrying most of the Marshall University football team clips a stand of trees and crashes into a hillside just two miles from the Tri-State Airport in Kenova, West Virginia. The team was returning from that day’s game, a 17-14 loss to East Carolina University. Thirty-seven Marshall football players were aboard the plane, along with the team’s coach, its doctors, the university athletic director and 25 team boosters–some of Huntington, West Virginia’s most prominent citizens–who had traveled to North Carolina to cheer on the Thundering Herd. “The whole fabric,” a citizen of Huntington wrote later, “the whole heart of the town was aboard.”
For Huntington, the plane crash was “like the Kennedy assassination,” one citizen remembers. “Everybody knows where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.” The town immediately went into mourning. Shops and government offices closed; businesses on the town’s main street draped their windows in black bunting. The university held a memorial service in the stadium the next day and cancelled Monday’s classes. There were so many funerals that they had to be spread out over several weeks. In perhaps the saddest ceremony of all, six players whose remains couldn’t be identified were buried together in Spring Hill Cemetery, on a hill overlooking their university.
Marshall got a new football coach–Jack Lengyel, from the College of Wooster in Ohio–and set about rebuilding the team. The NCAA gave the Thundering Herd special permission to let freshmen play on the varsity squad, and Lengyel cobbled together a ragtag group of first-years, walk-ons and the nine veteran players who hadn’t been on the plane that night. The team lost its first game of the 1971 season but–with a last-second touchdown that seemed almost too good to be true–defeated Ohio’s Xavier University 15-13 in its first home game since the crash. The Herd won one other game that season, and nine in Lengyel’s four-year tenure at Marshall, but none was as emotional as the first.
The story of Coach Jack Lengyel is inspiring on it’s own!! Very inspiring, please watch the movie, WE ARE MARSHALL, this type of leadership is missing in our country! Read further in this CUP about more outstanding leadership from a H.S. FB Coach who suspended his whole team because of a lack of character! Yesterday we got a taste of leadership from Ted Cruz! Leadership is not always going with the flow! Leadership is not always doing what your party says to do! Leadership follows God’s voice! Amen!
Read more here about Coach Lengyel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Lengyel
Stop and learn today from the story of Marshall.
I am so thankful for my wife who serves so many! She also has the heart of God….When she gives me ideas as to what to post…….people eat it up! Sharon knows what people are hungry for….what people’s souls are hungry for is a better way to describe it! For 2 days now she has put on Inspirational presentations! I am a blessed man to have her!
Today, thousands of Americans,  from coast to coast will gather at state capitals, city halls, parks, and churches to pray for Pastor Saeed.  Thousands more will gather in nations around the world.
Today, Pastor Saeed will have spent 365 days of  in an Iranian prison because of his Christian faith.  It is just the first year of an eight-year prison sentence – a sentence he should never have to serve.
Yesterday we reported that Billy Graham has sent the President of Iran a letter on Pastor Saeed’s behalf. Read it here: https://fggam.org/billy-graham-writes-letter-to-president-of-iran/
Let us be in prayer for the release of Pastor Saeed.
I also pray that President Obama be strong and ask for the release of Pastor SaeedPastor Saeed todat
 In Jesus name, Amen!
This story gives me hope for our Country! We need more leaders like this coach, to take a stand for strong Character! YARDBARKER REPORTS: The sins of the few can cause the punishment of the many. One high school football coach in Utah is taking that idiom rather literally.
Matt Labrum, head coach of Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah, suspended all 80 of his players on Saturday after the team’s 40-16 loss, according to the Deseret News. The suspensions had nothing to do with the loss or the players’ performance on the field, though. Instead, Labrum cited a “lack of character” as the reasoning for the team’s collective punishment.
Some players were skipping classes or were involved in cyberbullying against a fellow student, according to the report. So, on Saturday, the head coach met with his players and gave each of them a letter outlining what each would need to do to earn back his spot on the team.
“We felt like everything was going in a direction that we didn’t want our young men going,” Labrum said. “We felt like we needed to make a stand.”
Instead of practice this week, the Union High players were told to do community service, attend study hall and take a class on character development. In addition, he required that they do service for their families and write a report detailing their actions. Players were also required to attend all of their classes, and those who were struggling academically were also required to show some level of improvement if they wanted to rejoin the team.
Check out an excerpt from Labrum’s letter to his players below.
“The lack of character we are showing off the field is outshining what we are achieving on the field. It is a privilege to play this wonderful game! We must earn the opportunity to have the honor to put on our high school jerseys each Thursday and Friday night!”
(Photo via Amy Donaldson, Deseret News)
More from NESN.com:
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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Thank you,
Dewey Moede

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