What a heart warming story, PRAISE GOD!!!: 99 year old get’s High School Diploma!


WATERLOO IOWA | Audrey Crabtree has lived a full life, from raising a family to running her own business.

But the 99-year-old missed out on one thing: Gradua99 year oldting from high school. Crabtree dropped out of East High School as a senior in 1932 after missing part of the year due to an injury and providing care for a sick grandmother.

“She had voiced quite a while back the one regret she had in life was that she never had gotten her diploma,” said Shelley Hoffman, Crabtree’s granddaughter.

That changed Monday when the Waterloo Community Schools presented her with an honorary diploma. Hoffman set the process in motion in July by contacting the school district to see about the possibility of honoring her grandmother.

East High Principal Marla Padget gave Crabtree the diploma as well as a copy of her last report card while members of the Board of Education and Superintendent Gary Norris looked on. “And I feel so much smarter,” Crabtree quipped as Padget handed her the diploma.

Bernice Richard, the board’s vice president, congratulated Crabtree and told her “we know from your business experience” that she deserves the honor. Crabtree owned and operated Flowers by Audrey for 28 years.

“I am amazed and I am more amazed at all these people,” said Crabtree, surrounded by relatives and others who came to the board meeting for the event. “I didn’t know I was so important.”

Read more here: https://wcfcourier.com/

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