
Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Photo: From our driveway this morning Share your Light for Jesus with all today!!!!
This picture is taken from our driveway this morning..May your light shine for Jesus at all times!
My computer has been freezing up this morning! I am now on my old lap top, while I run a virus scan.
The subject that the Lord gave me this morning was WOE! I remember from my childhood hearing those words a lot…Woe little man! Or on the farm……Woe there! Slow down.
Sonja Haldeman sent Sharon a book and in the book she included a note for Sharon with this Bible verse: “I will quiet you with my love” Zephaniah 3:17
WOW! Do you read much of Zephaniah? I do not! But what a great reminder from Sonja to do so!
I needed that reminder from Zephaniah! Zephaniah’s prophetic ministry is specifically dated in the reign of Josiah (640-609 B.C.)
Zephaniah warns that the day of the Lord will bring judgement on Judah and Jerusalem. Zephaniah calls Judah to repentance and announced that this devastation will extend to surrounding nations. Although Judah’s guilt is specifically identified, the promise of restoration is certain.
I see so much of today’s world in the book of Zephaniah.
We need to be quieted by the Lord’s love and focus on Him. We need to repent. We need to blank out the nothing noise. In Chapter 3 verse 1 in Zephaniah….Woe to her that is rebellious and polluted. If the shoe fit’s, wear it!, as my Daddy used to say.
Woe to them  that are rebellious and polluted:
My goodness I posted two articles on www.fggam.org about proper dress…….one, a Pastor refuses to marry a bride because of the revealing dress she is wearing and the other is about the Little Rock, Ark. teachers having to be told they need to wear underwear. All this is rebellious and polluted. Revealing dress and tattooing, piercing is all rebellious. In most cases it is a cry for help and attention. Look at me!

I will take heat for this, as I have in the past when I post on dress, tattoo’s and piercing, so be it. We are to take care of our God given Temple and not mark it or reveal the body in wrong ways.
This is a breakdown in society.
I can hear some now! Dewey you are out of touch, you are old fashioned, your wrong! Your crazy!
I have to tell you that how we dress and how we treat our bodies is a reflection of a society as to where it is with God. A breakdown of society happens slowly, it’s like termites eating away at the foundation. Self esteem goes down with bad dress codes and markings of bodies. It sets a bad example for our children.
You will have to show me where God says to reveal our bodies and mark our bodies.
By letting things like this slip, more slips take place, the foundation cracks.
What is gained by revealing our bodies and markings of the body?
Lust is a huge problem in our society!
I can just hear my Dad and Mom if they saw our society today.
We have let too many standards of the American society go by the wayside, this should concern the secular world also. From our Churches, God’s Word, Government, Schools, families, marriage, health care, etc….we have slipped much in our standards. It all starts in our homes, and our homes have been torn apart by divorce, adultery, drugs, alcohol , etc……  .
We must repent as a nation and come back to God and His standard, His standard alone. A Biblical standard.
I was told this past week I should run for office, but I would never win because of my Biblical stance! I believe they want me to run for office to cause awareness and debate of these issues.
Please take time to read these stories about Teachers having to be told about wearing underwear and the Pastor and the revealing wedding dress: https://fggam.org/for-heavens-sake-is-this-the-world-we-live-in-having-to-tell-teachers-to-wear-underwear/ This is the World we live in.
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

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