Morning Inspiration: A wise person thinks much about death, while a fool thinks only about having a good time now. Ecclesiastes 7:4Solomon isn’t teaching us to be morbid, or to focus only on death. Rather, to use the death and dying around us…to focus on our life! The sadness and sense of loss we feel when someone dies, is often a trigger for us to make changes in the way we live. Our sorrow can make us more appreciative of what we still have, and bring us closer to each other…as well as into a much deeper relationship with Jesus. As I visit three beautiful friends in their 80’s & 90’s, all in hospice this week…I’m actually encouraged! Their faith in Christ, and His promises of their new & eternal home, remind me that for a Christian, death is not the end…but the beginning.
Steve Stucker
AMEN !!! I’ll attest to that a couple times over again after facing life threatening situations and/or illnesses a number of times. If used correctly, these situations or life experiences can teach so many things about ‘LIFE’ and/or ‘ETERNAL LIFE’ and it’s true value.