Bud and Tara have Late Term Abortion Ban Update

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Dear Friends of Life,


History is in the making in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Ongoing efforts there could result in a stunning pro-life victory that would be thebeginning of the end of late-term abortions in America.

Right now, I need your help to make sure that victory isn’t snatched away at the cost of untold innocent lives.

Why Albuquerque and why now?

In America, only a few states still allow barbaric abortions halfway through pregnancy and later – and New Mexico is one of them!

In fact, Albuquerque is the site of the largest free-standing late-term abortion clinic in the United States.  Southwestern Women’s Options attracts women from every state – and all over the world – because they offer abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.


That’s why Albuquerque is known across the nation as the

Late-term Abortion Capital of America!


Most people don’t even realize that abortions are legal up until the moment of birth.

And they aren’t in most states and in most countries.

There are only four nations in the world that allow abortions that late:  China, Russia, Canada, and the U.S.  Only nine states in this country still allow abortions in the final three months of pregnancy.

According to American Prospect, “Compared with its neighbors’ abortion policies, New Mexico’s is practically socialist. Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy, and New Mexico has none of the restrictions—ultrasounds, waiting periods, building-code regulations.”

Year after year, the Democratically-controlled New Mexico state legislature has thwarted pro-life efforts to pass common-sense abortion laws that would protect mothers and their babies.

But here’s the game-changer:  A creative new initiative – this time at the municipal level – is taking the issue straight to the people of Albuquerque.

A grassroots campaign has placed the first-ever city ordinance banning late-term abortions on Albuquerque’s November 19 ballot.  If it passes, will effectively stop abortions after 20 weeks gestation within the city limits of Albuquerque, a city now considered the Late-term Abortion Capital of America.

This amazing unified effort gathered 27,000 signatures in just 20 days – over twice the signatures needed to put the ordinance to a city-wide vote.

As you can imagine, the pro-abortion radicals are in a panic, but now they are fighting back.  They wasted no time launching a campaign to defeat the late-term abortion ban even though an overwhelming 54% of the people of Albuquerque support it, according to a recent Albuquerque Journalpoll.

The abortion cartel is working full-time to spin the campaign away from the horrific, “Gosnell-like” abortions, which brutally end the lives of babies that are big enough to live outside the womb.

They know that is where they lose – and lose big!

Instead, the radical abortion cartel – under the guise of caring about women – has the gall to say that this ordinance would deny women health care!

Abortion, especially the gruesome post-20 week “procedures,” certainly cannot be described as “healthcare!”  It’s more like “DEATHCARE!”

The abortionists who work at Southwestern Women’s Options fully understand that their work is opposed by the majority of Albuquerque residents as well as the American people.

Late-term abortion specialist Shelley Sella, who travels from California to do abortions in Albuquerque, explains the procedure this way:


One four-day outpatient treatment involves euthanizing the fetus with a shot into the heart, and then inducing a full labor and delivery. Unless people understand what’s going on for the woman, it’s impossible to support it. How could you? It sounds barbaric.


Yes, Shelley.  It sounds barbaric because it IS barbaric!  And it must stop.

On Monday, October 7, a local Political Action Committee, ABQ Voters For Late-Term Abortion Ban, held a press conference launching a campaign I personally support to counter the abortion cartel’s grossly misleading rhetoric and bring truth to the voters of Albuquerque.

Before the press could file their stories, news broke that one city councilwoman was about to introduce a resolution that would have stopped the election from ever taking place.

That resolution would have been blatantly illegal and would have disenfranchised voters and violated the city charter that clearly stated that Ordinances meeting all the qualifications — like the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance dies – “must” go to a city-wide ballot.

We immediately jumped into action!

You probably heard from us via e-mail or on social networking sites where we published a “Red Alert” message asking pro-lifers everywhere to contact the city council members in opposition to this effort to subvert the legal process.  We urged people to pack the city council meeting and speak out against this injustice.

Our amazing pro-life attorney with Life Legal Defense Foundation rushed to our aid and issued a letter to each city council member firmly reminding them of the law.

Thankfully, with your help, we were able to defeat that attempt to kill the ordinance, but we know it won’t be the last.  We can expect every trickin the book to be pulled between now and Election Day on November 19.

This is where you come in.

We need your help now like never before to make sure the people of Albuquerque hear the truth about late-term abortions in their city and not just the pro-abortion “spin.”

We expect to face a huge influx of pro-abortion money from all over the U.S.  Already, the other side has thrown swanky, high-dollar fundraising soirees.  They are busy building a war chest to use against the Pain Capable Unborn Child Ordinance.

If we do not have the money to match their efforts, the loudest message the voters will hear will be that of the radical leftist activists who want to see more abortions done halfway through pregnancy and beyond.

We are praying that you will help with a campaign contribution to the ABQ Voters For Late-term Abortion Ban PAC.  [Click to Donate Now]

Even a contribution of 10 dollars can buy 2 yard signs.  A 50 dollar contribution can help put 10 yard signs in Albuquerque neighborhoods.  A contribution of $100 could buy radio time to reach thousands more voters.  With contributions of $500 or more, we could even put ads on TV!

The more you give, the better our chance of winning this battle to spare babies from a brutal death.

This is a winnable campaign.  Over half the voters in Albuquerque want this new law.

In fact, a win in Albuquerque will have national implications. If it only spared the thousands of babies that will otherwise be slated for a brutal late-term abortion death, it would be worth it.

But a win in Albuquerque would do much more than that!

It will give us the political momentum we need to press for passage of similar laws on the local, state, and federal levels – laws that will eventuallyban all abortions after 20 weeks gestation in America.

In fact, I firmly believe that a victory in Albuquerque will be the next great step that brings us closer to a complete abolition of abortion in our nation.  If we can ban late-term abortions now, we know we can eventually ban all abortions!

Polls show that the people are ready to end abortions in the fifth month and later.


Now is the right time and

Albuquerque is the right place.


We can win this!


But we simply cannot do it without your help.  Please click the link now and contribute sacrificially to the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance for the sake of these innocent babies – and for the sake of all babies to come.  [Contribute Online Now]

Donations can also be made and mailed to:
ABQ Voters For L.T.A.B
PO Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181

Thank you for helping us educate our community and ultimately end late term abortions in Albuquerque.


I pray I can count on your support at this momentous time in history.  Victory is as close as November 19th!


For Life,


Troy Newman

President, Operation Rescue


P.S.  We have only a short time left until Election Day on November 19.   Your contribution to the ABQ Voters for Late-term Abortion Ban PACtoday is vital in helping us press the campaign to its fullest.  Thank you!

Because of Christ we stand,
Bud and Tara

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7

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