Did God Show Up?

Standing firm on the Promises of God. God is faithful ... I must be faithful and true. My trust is in God alone!
 Our Dear friend Karen Rowe of Hope in Today and writer for FGGAM, locatedkaren rowe in  Efland, NC, hosted a Ministry event this past weekend. Read how God moved!

Did God show up? By Karen Rowe

Oct 5th Review 2013 Hope in Today Ministries Program:  The Ministries of God’s Word on the Move!

When God revealed to me that He was bringing the churches together several years ago, I really had no real comprehension of what He meant –Until NOW!

As we went forward in faith, the Hope in Today Ministries program of “Ministries supporting Ministries” was a success by God’s grace; and all who were present experienced the power of God’s love!

But how do we define success?

Beginning with Praise –we ended with Praise:  A testimony of how there was no food left in my Minnie van as all food left from the program was to go to feed the hungry!  It seemed like; it would be Monday before I could get that leftover food to another ministry that I know of –a ministry who feeds the hungry. Scurrying along in the cleanup, it was last minute, I asked the Pastor’s wife to ask that woman again, her name was Pam!  A finishing touch of praise … a light bulb of the Holy Spirit reminded Pam that she worked for the Caring Kitchen!  And, with such a look of awe to God’s power, she proclaimed, “YES, I can get the food to the hungry!  I work for the Caring Kitchen!”  Such a Rejoicing Praise broke out and much laughter! This was the unity and power of God who was with us all day!

She was only thinking within her mind about her neighborhood, said; and it was evident for all to see God’s glory as He revealed through the enlightening power of Holy Spirit a reminder to her in just the right time of something she already knew, but it wasn’t time yet … God’s glory must always be shown!

To be short, I feel lead to get to the point!

After experiencing the Power of God’s love working through ALL His people ALL DAY –There was such an obvious reflection of the SAME GOD, SAME JESUS, SAME HOLY SPIRIT, SAME WORD OF GOD unity in the BODY OF CHRIST who joined together to work together for the same cause, which was to glorify God in all that we said or did!  There was such clarity in the Reflection of Christ working through God’s people!

I understood by all I am seeing God do that God is calling the churches to burst out of the walls of the church to be THE CHURCH!  To be for the praise of the glory of His grace!

“The Bible says, “Go … and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and  of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” Matthew 28:19-20

But what if we are not personally making disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to do all that Jesus told us to do?  Does that mean we are not taking seriously the Great Commission of Jesus?”

The answer is obvious!  Jesus asked His followers to make disciples of all nations together, rather than as individuals.  In the process, He also made it clear that it is only by His Spirit that we can be the kind of witness He is asking us to be (Acts 1:8).

To read more about:  “Why Sharing Our Faith Can Be Difficult”  This Quote, which so well summed up my heart is from RBC Ministries Mart De Haan’s “BEEN THINKING ABOUT”


Little things happened all day!  God was lining up the day long before I woke up!  All we did was follow the working power of the Holy Spirit!

I am in awe as I sit here and my mind races with remembrance of every second of every minute that God was pulling His people together for His glory and because of His love!

Just to share a few …

Andrew Wells, with The Armouraires Quartet, so respectfully come to us with Hope in Today Ministries and asked us “How long do you want us to sing?”  He said, “I just need to program it in.”  We didn’t have any answers, but God did!

After stammering for a moment with nothing to say and no words to help Andrew in a job that must be done, I looked at Andrew and said, “Andrew, here is what I want you to do!  Go over to your computer and pray; and ask God how long HE wants you to sing!  Then do what God tells you to do!”  And WOW!  Chris Rowe, with The Armouraires Quartet come up to us afterwards and said, “It was amazing how it all flowed together!  We didn’t really have a plan, but it was just amazing how everything just fit together!”  And, then I shared what I believe Andrew had done!

We relied on God’s Power, to do God’s will!  It was all for God’s glory to be seen!  I believe His glory was reflected in the power of His Love, which every finite detail was done in faith in the Name of Jesus!

I could have just said “DITTO” to every word The Armouraires Quartet spoke and sang from this place in their soul that IS convinced of the power and love of God who IS with them and living in them!

Andrew Wells, Chris Rowe (our nephew), Jared Kannady, Dave Arasmith, Will Arasmith

Our family …

THE ARMOURAIRES QUARTET!  https://www.armourairesquartet.com/meet/

We thank you from the bottom of our heart for sacrificing your T-cells … That part of your body that protects your immune system that stress works to break down –BUT GREATER IS GOD LIVING IN YOU than he that is in the world!  The JOY of the LORD truly is your strength, motivation and passion of Christ Reflecting through you!  Through your eminent sacrifice of your personal time, convenience, comfort, energy and work to go and share the talent that God has poured in each of you and joined together through all of you as a group –God was in the House and His message was heard, spoken, sung & RECEIVED by all who was there – I truly believe!


I am a more blessed child of God Today (if that is possible)… but YES I am in my knowledge and understanding –even more than yesterday because we grew in our faith together!  Thank you!


Randal Thom and Linda Davis drove from MN to join us for the program in NC!  Did you know that behind the scenes, Randal was doing all the cooking with my 8 year old son?  … Along with everyone else and all the help that was joyful and willing –this is an example of how much these kind of efforts took the heavy load off of my husband –who was also working intently, but the load shifted from him as a whole to only a part!  They drove to serve, I really believe!  And constant serve Randal did!  Much work was done by all, but it is appropriate to mention that we couldn’t have done it all alone!  We thank you from the bottom of our Jesus filled hearts for making the sacrifice to COME!

There was just SUCH a JOYFUL willingness by ALL to serve in the way God enabled each this day and everything FIT together for the good, because we all just loved God!


We thank KIMES Missionary Chapel for allowing us to come into their church home so graciously!

We thank all who stepped UP … to set it UP, clean it UP and cook it UP –not to mention speak it UP, pray it UP and sing it UP!  “IT” was PRAISE AND WORSHIP IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!  Praise was lifted UP to God –unified in Jesus together as the body of Christ!  We thank the Kimes praise team for sharing their glorious voices and talent that inspired us all to love God more!  To God be the glory!  Success is spelled out by knowing God was pleased!   And by the power of the Peace that is in me, I know that He was!

Thank you Dewey and all who read this, for letting me share with you just a little of what God is doing through Hope in Today Ministries!  To God be the glory Alone –Just look at the unity needs to even report this good news in the name of Jesus – From RBC Ministries’ inspiration, For God’s Glory Alone Ministries’ available venue for reporting such good news – and also to you!  God is still at work using us all together for the glory of the Father who sent us His Son!


Beautiful Love!

I hope this was a blessing to you!

Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe




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