Government Shutdown Impacts Veterans


How is the government shutdown affecting you and your family?  If it is not at this moment than just wait it may be coming your way.  If Congress does not come to an agreement over the next month many Disabled Veterans will be really feeling the pinch of the shutdown due to the government having to cut off disability and education benefit payments.

The National Commander of the American Legion, Daniel M. Dellinger stated it best when he said. “The fact that funding for VA benefits could disappear in a month ought to be incentive enough for our elected leaders to achieve a solution.”  How would our Congressmen feel if they had to go even just one month without a paycheck?  The guess would be that Congress would never let it get that far because it would be directly affecting our livelihood.

Our Veterans served the United States of America with all of their Honor, Courage and Commitment to make this country what it is today and to give our Congressmen the jobs and opportunities that they have today.  They would not be in their position of power without the blood, sweat and tears of our Armed Forces.  What an abysmal way for our government to tell these men and women, thank you.

Until Next Time,


David A. Standridge

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