Bud and Tara Shaver: Moving on……..

Pastor Dewey Note: I have come to love Tara and Bud Shaver so much in our Lord for their boldness in Jesus Christ and standing in the gap for God on the sanctity of life. The day I was interviewing them on our TV program on KAZQ CH 32, Pastor Leonard Navarre stated, “It took two kid’s from Kansas to wake the body of Christ up about abortion in Albuquerque.” Many have and are standing in the gap, for God on this issue in Albuquerque and have for years and we thank you God for all of you!!! But Bud and Tara kind ‘a set us all on fire on this issue! Praise God! Let us keep them and their children in our prayers.
Dear Friends,
Yesterday’s election results are in and unfortunately the citizens of ABQ failed to rise to the occasion to lend their voices for the pre-born. While we lost this election we have won over many hearts and built amazing bridges within the community. We must resolve to proclaim even louder the truth about abortion, reach even further into our community and keep coming back until we win and establish justice for the babies.

Thank you to everyone who poured your heart and soul into the petition and campaign process, your passion and zeal encourages and motivates us to keep moving forward. Let’s all come together as a stronger force for life in our city, babies are dying today and they need us to be their voice on a daily basis. All abortions end when the hearts of the people are changed and there is much to still be done. Stay involved/get involved and let’s start building a bigger army of God’s people together for LIFE.

Contact Tara for volunteer opportunities at Project Defending Life, Project 52 (sidewalk ministry) and to find out about other opportunities to stand for life. 505-319-7825tara@defendinglife.or

Because of Christ we stand,
Bud and Tara

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7
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