Colorado School Transgender Bathroom Policy Outrages Parents!


This transgender bathroom policy is spreading in the Unites States. It floors me that people think this is okay. It is another sign of Public School deterioration. Get the rest of the story here:

We also thank Randy Thom for giving us the heads up on this story. If you have a story of interestbathrooms please email me God Bless.


  1. Understandably child safety is paramount and is a deeply entrenched maternal and paternal instinct. Despite the parent’s outrage, their vigilante justice-driven posture is in conflict with Colorado law which doesn’t consider transgender children to be the sex of birth.

    The anguish experienced during childhood, that of which I can attest, is ameliorated by allowing transgender children to develop into a sex identity that they identify with, whatever the cause of onset. Aside from privates, transgender children are just like the other children of the same gender.

    Gender, medically speaking is not a moral sexual perversion contrary to popular belief. The problem with ostracizing transgender children is that no similar outcry is occurring with children who pose a true sexual proclivity in private areas: gay and lesbian children. As long as sexuality is the motivation behind the transgender “threat” and such a discussion omits gay/lesbian children, credibility is nonexistent.

  2. I wonder what the solution will end up being. We could have more unisex bathrooms, but that doesn’t work on a larger scale. You could break up the larger restrooms and dressing rooms into sections to allow kids to be whatever they chose to be today.

    Better yet, we could have Roman bath houses in our schools and anything could go.

    I believe that is where we are ultimately headed. This is just more of the indoctrination that we have allowed to infect our schools. The goal is to enslave the next generation.

    Dee is right that as long as sexuality is the motivation behind these changes (and it is) the left’s credibility is nonexistent.

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