Iranian Leaders Celebrate Victory


Map of Iran (GRAPHIC)Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wrote a letter to President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday, praising the interim agreement with the P5+1 nuclear powers. “This can be the basis for further intelligent actions,” Khamenei wrote in the letter, which was published by the IRNA state news agency. “Without a doubt the grace of God and the prayers of the Iranian nation were a factor in this success.” He added that negotiators should continue to resist what he called “excessive demands” and that the deal “recognized Iran’s nuclear rights” by allowing it to continue to enrich uranium. Rouhani was also in a celebratory mood following the announcement of the deal, telling reporters in Teheran that Iran had triumphed despite the fact that “the enemy wanted to promote Iranophobia among the world public opinion.” Read More 

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