Kerry Warns on the Risk of a “Third Intifada” if Talks Fail

Kerry warns of possible ‘third intifada’ if talks fail

Palestinian celebrating (Illustrative)US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Israeli and Palestinian journalists Thursday and declared that there was a risk of a “Third Intifada” and a continuing spiral of isolation for Israel in the international community if the current round of negotiations with the Palestinians breaks down. “The alternative to getting back to the talks is the potential of chaos,” Kerry said. “Does Israel want a third intifada? I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis.” Read More 


  1. Maybe it’s time for Kerry, (who is now nothing more than Obama’s YES man!), to pay attention to what most Americans desire in our relations with Israel instead of threating the Israeli people over this and totally backing down to Iran over the nuclear issues which threaten Israel’s existence!!! He certainly doesn’t represent me and don’t think he represents the majority of Americans!

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