Special Message to You from Pastor Dewey

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

dewey tvI have been up since 4am. I am telling you that as my testimony to you on my relationship with God. Also because I pray that you have a close relationship with Him, so that you can tell me what flavor of gum Jesus chews!! LOL!  Does God stir you in the middle of the night? When we have a personal relationship with Him, He will stir us….to listen, and into action, even at 4am! Here is what God wants me to share with you this Saturday morning:

We serve God in the image we have of Him.

We go about our days in the image we have of God.

We say and do things by the image that we have of God.

Is your image Biblical?

Do you have mentor’s to check on you, so that your life is Biblical?

I strongly encourage you to belong to a Bible based Church that has a Biblical  Pastor. Too bad I have to add that, but now days some Churches and Pastor’s are not.

One of the things the Lord has us do here at FGGAM is refer people to Churches. We have done that many times this week. If you are looking for a Bible preaching Pastor and Biblical Church, email me at pastordewey@fggam.org

God is showing me much through the book, The Fear of the Lord by John Bevere. I strongly suggest you read it.

Be blessed this day. America, Bless God.

fear of the lord book




  1. Thank you for this encouraging message. I crave to know and understand more of God and desire to know his favorite flavor of gum. LOL. I wish other people wanted that as bad as I do. I will down load Bevere’s book in my kindle app. Blessings-

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