This Day in United States History will go down as the first day Two Men were married at Historic West Point


douglas macHow do you feel about this?

Two graduates of West Point are set to become the first men to marry each other at the storied military academy.

Larry Choate III, class of 2009, will marry Daniel Lennox, class of 2007, on Saturday at the U.S. Military Academy’s Cadet Chapel. West Point hosted two same-sex weddings of women in late 2012, more than a year after New York legalized gay marriage. But this is the first time two men are being wed at West Point.

“It’s maybe one more barrier that’s pushed over a little bit, or maybe one more glass ceiling that’s shattered that makes it easier for the next couple,” Choate said Friday.

Click here for the full story: West Point in NY to host first wedding between 2 men

Photo of statue at West Point of General Douglas MacArthur who graduated from West Point


  1. It is ironic that West Point was the very fort that Benedict Arnold tried to sell to the British in an act of treason. Now the treason is that we are allowing the American military to be sold to sin.

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