I am very, very disturbed by this so called “Knock Out” game.

Our society is becoming more and more violent as we, the United States of America move away from God.

I see it everyday, as I walk and drive the streets. I see it in our news coverage here at FGGAM. For heavens sake’s New Mexico State Police with all their cars and guns, having to fire on a mini-van with a Mother and Kid’s? That’s like taking a baseball bat to an ant hill.

Just like in Albuquerque, people chose yesterday to approve of violent death for babies in voting against the late term abortion ban.

Yesterday knock out 2knockout19n-7-webI saw a Dear friend, Pastor Brenton Franks, posted this on his Facebook….

Over lunch today, I saw news reports of a new activity that young people are involved with where they will come up to an unsuspecting person and punch them as hard as they can in the head. They call this the “knock out game” because the hope is you knock them out with one punch. The tragedy is that this points to the debased nature of our society and the rampant disregard for authority among American youth. While no situation is perfect whether a school or home, I cannot over emphasize the need to have our children in Christian schools and reinforced on a weekly basis in church and youth ministries in the principles of truth. Our society is not getting better but worse. The only hope for our nation is to turn our children’s hearts toward God. This is all of our shared responsibility.

Thank you for those words Pastor Brenton.

WND reported the story this way………

The first chip in the wall fell in New York, where Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said last week that Orthodox Jews in Crown Heights were the victims of eight episodes of mob violence and vandalism.

He did not see a pattern.

But the New York Post did, reporting: “The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often, some other member of the group records the event so that a video of that ‘achievement’ is put on the Internet to be celebrated.”

The violence, caught on video, was so egregious even the CBS affiliate in New York had trouble ignoring it.


  1. Instead of thinking how sad our society is,or grumbling about violent youth- think, who is the last young person you spent quality time in a way which was actually meaningful to them with?

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