When going to work costs you


Pastor Dewey Note: We are blessed to share with you that Birga Alden of KDAZ AM730 is going to blog here from time to time, For God’s Glory Alone! I have known Birga for several years and this Godly women has become a Dear friend in our Lord, who has many talents, radio, acting, writing and many more! Thank you Birga for being such a blessing!

When going to work costs you

By Birga Alden

I’ve always wanted to be in the movies.  It’s a “secret” ambition of mine.  The fantastical, magical process of having the “raw” turned into a story of grand proportion has always fascinated me.

When it came time to declare a major in college, for a brief moment, I considered Acting.  Being the very logical person that I am, I quickly dissuaded myself, speculating how many acting majors now work at Burger King.  Broadcast, I figured, would be the next best (sensible) choice.  I then set out to become a news anchor.

Now, 14+ years after having graduated from college, I’m proud to say that I do work in the Broadcast industry.  However, In His infinite wisdom, God didn’t allow me to make it to the TV anchor’s desk.  Looking back, I can clearly see that had I been given my way, I would have fallen deeply into the trap of chasing fame and fortune.

My professional journey started humbly, and has stayed humble.  I was hired on as Morning Show co-host for AM730 KDAZ, a Christian Talk Station early in 2007.  The audience is not large, the signal is not particularly strong, and the job brings me no popularity.  Now, nearly 7 years later, I’m still at AM730 and consider it my second home.  I love my work “family” and count it an honor to serve among them.

Though I never made it to the “big time”, God has taught me so much in these years.  It’s not easy working for a Christian station/ministry.  Pay is scarce, and it requires a lot of personal sacrifice.  This isn’t wining, just the truth of the matter.

It would be a lie to say that I’ve always been satisfied with my position.  I’ve struggled, prayed, complained and looked at the grass on the other side. It is through these times of struggle that the Lord has confirmed in my heart that I’m right where I need to be.

These last three weeks I’ve been involved in a number of work project.  Developing a theme and corresponding documents for our annual banquet have taken much of my time.  “At All Cost” will be the focus of our 30th Anniversary celebration in January.  Based on Matthew 13:45-46, the message is coming out loud and clear: we are entering a time where it may cost us greatly to stand on God’s Word and remain faithful to His call.  Are we willing “at all cost” to lay down our comfort to live out what we believe?  I have no doubt that we will all be tested on this in the days to come.

These sounds like dark and sinister words, but God is always good and always faithful! While the cost to follow Him may be high, His reward(s) are always worth it.  Remember, though the merchant sold all that he had, he did so because he saw the value of that pearl.  It was a calculated move, and one that paid him great dividends.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”

For more from Birga go here: https://birgasblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/when-going-to-work-costs-you.html


  1. WELCOME ABOARD BIRGA!!! I know you’ll be more than welcome here at FGGAM. I’m thinking GOD has you on the track HE wants you. I’ll be looking forward to more posts!!! GOD BLESS

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