Judge Rules Colorado Bakers Must Bake Same Sex Wedding Cakes, No Rights For Christians


Once again, a United States judge has ruled that Christians have no rights under the US constitution to obey their faith. Judge Robert N. Spencer of the Colorado Office of Administrative Courts ruled Friday that a Christian cake artist who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony last year violated discrimination laws, and therefore must serve gay couples or face fines.

The judicial system is conflating the moral choice of individuals with the racial heritage of groups that have been truly discriminated. State and federal judges are failing to uphold US constitutional law to protect certain behavior, even if the rights of Christians are violated.

Judge Spencer, unlawfully ruled that Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo., discriminated against Dave Mullins, 29, and Charlie Craig, 33, “because of their sexual orientation by refusing to sell them a wedding cake for their same-sex marriage.”

Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, ColoDespite the fact that same sex marriage is not recognized by the state of Colorado, the judge ruled on a matter he had no jurisdiction. Jack Phillips has stated that he will create other types of cakes for anyone regardless of sexual orientation.

He told local CBS Denver station KCNC-TV that his Christian belief does not allow him to support same-sex marriage.

“If gays come in and want to order birthday cakes or any cakes for any occasion, graduations, or whatever, I have no prejudice against that whatsoever,” he told the news station. “It’s just the wedding cake, not the people, not their lifestyle,” he added, saying he would rather “close down the bakery before we would compromise our beliefs.”

Judge Spencer, like many today, associates a moral choice with a person’s identity. “At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses,” Spencer wrote in the order. “This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”

Again, this was about the type of cake Jack Phillips was asked to create, not the sexuality of the customer. The judge just refused to be confused with the facts. The propaganda machine is working to make this about human rights trumping religious freedom.

“While we all agree that religious freedom is important, no one’s religious beliefs make it acceptable to break the law by discriminating against prospective customers,” said Amanda C. Goad, staff attorney with the ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Project, according to The Associated Press. “No one is asking Masterpiece’s owner to change his beliefs, but treating gay people differently because of who they are is discrimination plain and simple.”

“Being denied service by Masterpiece Cakeshop was offensive and dehumanizing especially in the midst of arranging what should be a joyful family celebration,” Mullins was quoted as saying. “We are grateful to have the support of our community and our state, and we hope that today’s decision will help ensure that no one else will experience this kind of discrimination again in Colorado.”

This case, like the photographer in New Mexico, is about suppressing the truth of God’s word in the name of discrimination. Before too long, Christian pastors, like myself will be told we cannot preach the whole council of God, because it is offensive and discriminatory.



  1. We as Christians DO NOT have to do anything that goes against God’s law. Unfortunately we will be persecuted for doing do. God is clear about that in his word.

    However, in the United States, supposedly, our rights under the First Amendment protect anyone from any religion from doing anything that would go against that religion.

    That said, as Christians we are told to do all things as unto the Lord. Meaning whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability as if doing for Christ. Since homosexuality is an abomination to God and is a sin in his eyes, we can’t do something that would violate that tenant. Our religious freedom under the First Amendment trumps any federal or state law that would force a Christian to do something against his or her religious beliefs.

    The problem with this judge is that he was an attorney. And attorney’s have this problem of twisting laws to fit their ends. Attorney’s should never be judges. It was not always so in this country. Out judicial system was designed so that anyone could be a judge. The attorneys for each side were to state the case of each side without interference from the “judge”. That is why even today, a judge cannot assist either the plaintiff or the defendant, but must remain neutral until all the facts and information presented by the opposing attorneys has been heard. Then he renders a verdict. It is up to the attorneys to use their knowledge of the law to plead their case for their client. The judge really does not need to know the law. The responsibility for for winning or losing your case is determined by how knowledgeable your attorney is about the laws that affect your case.
    Then you say what if an attorney uses an argument of law that does not exist. If the judge does not know the law it will get by. That is what the other attorneys job is. To know if his opposing attorney is using proper argument of law and bringing any obscurities to the attention of the presiding judge.

    As far as the First Amendment law is concerned in this case, Judge Spencer needs to go back to law school. For he has ruled against the law.

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