Light A Fire On The Inside, You Have The Seed Of Almighty God!

praising GodDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
From Pastor Mark Driscoll: Whatever you’re doing, if you’re not doing it for a great King, it’s not that great. AMEN! AMEN! JOY TO THE WORLD!!!
Light a fire on the inside. You have the seed of Almighty God. Don’t allow something small to keep you from God’s best. AMEN! From God’s Love!
 The church is a hospital for sinners, not a country club for saints C. Michael Patton
Please respond to this if the Lord moves you: I am planning to write a book. God has been nudging me for years and years to write a book and my Pastor Eddie B is pushing me in a Godly way to do so. My concern is not to write just another book, there are so many being published, the world is flooded with books. What would you like me to write on? My testimony, being burned to the ground only to rise again? My walk with Jesus? My testimony of the Lord moving into Full Time Ministry? What do you think would benefit the Kingdom of God? What would help move people closer to Jesus Christ? Please pray over this….I believe this is one of the major works the Lord wants me to in the coming year. And also, how do you get a book published for very little cost? Please respond, please be in prayer. 
Please keep Sharon and I in your prayers.
Let us pray………….
New Mexico Radio Legend Art Ortega of Albuquerque passed away on Thanksgiving Day of what I was told, a heart attack. Art is a Radio Legend, having blessed New Mexico radio listeners for years with his wit and wisdom. I worked with Art when I was Manager of KNML the Sports Animal and KOB FM in Albuquerque.  Art worked for Citadel Communications in Albuquerque  and 770 KOB in various capacities. I also worked with Art’s wife, Lynda, at Citadel and ask that you pray for her and the entire family at this time. Art was a mentor for many radio broadcasters and lent his talents of media relations to manyart 2 charities in New Mexico over the years. Now he is in the ultimate Hall Of Fame, Heaven! For information on funeral services click here:
Got a message from one of our Dear friends Charles Carrillo of Albuquerque that his lovely wife Kathy has had a mini stroke and is in the hospital and they suspect Kathy has a clot near her heart. Please join us in prayer for Kathy, for healing in Jesus name we pray. We also pray for Charles and the whole family for strength and peace, in Jesus name, Amen! Charles and Kathy own C and A Transmission Shop.
We also are praying for Grace Munoz, the lovely Mother of our Dear friend Grace Cordova of Albuquerque. Grace’s Mother who is visiting from Tucson with other family members, was taken to the hospital today by ambulance, suffering from what is suspected to be a nasty virus. Join us in praying for  Grace Munoz and the entire family at this time for healing,
Today at 12:05pm on KDAZ AM730 “The World We Live In” Radio program! Also our Conference is Tuesday night at 7pm at Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho, we want to see you there! For details go here:
Please come to our Conference, your support of FGGAM is needed!
This letter we got Friday, really describes our Conference and the Ministry of FGGAM:
Hi Dewey:

Reading 2Timothy 3-4.  This country is in trouble, because so many of our 
churches and leaders are teaching tolerance instead of truth.  I thought of you, 
not because you are like this, but because you are bold.  You always take a 
stand for scriptural truth.  Keep up the good work.  I pray 2Thessalonians 3:5 
over you.

Paul Dokken in South Dakota
I wrote this early today…………

Are you hiding from God? Are you hiding something from your wife or husband, family, Pastor, friends?
Do not fear, for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin. Exodus 20:20
In other words, “do not fear, because God has come to see if His fear is before you.” This may sound like Moses was contradicting himself, but in reality he was differentiating between being scared of God and having a reverential fear of the Lord. The difference is that the person who is scared of God has something to hide—–for example, the way Adam and Eve acted in the Garden of Eden after their disobedient act. They hid from the presence of the Lord because they had sinned and thought they could hoodwink God by hiding. You cannot hoodwink God Almighty!
The person who fears God has nothing to hide. Are you hiding anything from God today? From your wife or husband, From your family?From your Pastor? From your Church family?  From your Boss? From your friends?
As I travel and counsel many people I find that many are fearful, they have plenty of fear stored up, that then turns into anger in a lot of cases. Too many become fearful of God, their spouse, and their Pastor.
He or she who fears God has nothing to hide, in fact they are scared to be away from God! Can you even imagine what it would be like, being away from God? King David had a HOLY FEAR OF GOD but still ran toward Him and said, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you” Psalm 139: 23-24
I pray this day that you have nothing to hide! I pray that you live in the arms of our Lord! That you have a personal relationship with Him. In Jesus name, Amen.
To close out the CUP today here is a story about a brave man from my hometwon in Windom, Minnesota:
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and family
Visit us today! If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.  Thank you, Dewey Moede

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