We pray over this issue as several gay rights issues come to the forefront in the state of Texas.
One couple wants to get married, another wants recognition, a third couple wants to divorce while yet another wants theirs finalized. If all the lawsuits are won, they could overturn the Texas ban on same-sex marriage.
A federal court in San Antonio will hear arguments from the attorneys representing the couples who want to wed while the Texas Supreme Court is considering the cases of the couple who want their out-of-state marriages legally dissolved.
All these cases challenge a constitutional ban on gay and lesbian marriages approved by 1.7 million Texas voters in 2005 while the U.S. Supreme Court has also struck down the Defense of Marriage Act saying federal authorities cannot deny the rights of couples legally married under state law.
To read more about this issue, please click here: https://t.co/oD2CckRMrG