Being Thankful

thankful heart 2Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
How are you this morning? We love you all.
Remember for more news and inspiration go to FGGAM.ORG     
This morning as always I am giving thanks to our Lord for our friends. So many have touched our lives! I was reading a note by Cindy Mansfield of TBN here in Albuquerque and the message I got from it, was to be always thankful for those who guide you, help you and stand by you! Amen!
This is what Cindy wrote: Do you take time to acknowledge the contributions others make to your successes? If not, make a plan to personally and publicly thank God and these people.Prayer: Lord, I praise You for the group of people You have aligned who help me and support me. Without Your divine plan in bringing these people to my life, I would not be where I am. Thank You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Also congratulations to Cindy Mansfield on her recent promotion at TBN! For God’s Glory Alone! Cindy’s husband is Pastor Richard Mansfield.
I  really believe we all can give a little more and pay attention to those around us and offer help. It may be a prayer, and not a “drive by” prayer, please, a sincere prayer. I also believe we can do a better job of staying in touch with our friends and offer them even more encouragement. Hold all up to our Lord Jesus Christ!
One person who I am always thankful for, and I thank God I always have shown my thanks to Ray Franks as a friend and mentor. I have learned so much from this man of God.

Pastor Ray Franks of KAZQ CH 32 and Evangel Christian Center in Albuquerque remains in the hospital, I believe it’s been around 45 days. His son, Pastor Brenton Franks posted this touching message on Facebook last night as he visitedRaymond Franks his Dad in the hospital…… made me weep…..
The song Pray by Sanctus Real came on the radio tonight at the hospital when I was visiting my Dad. My Dad has always been a man of prayer, and as this song played softly, a tear came to his eye. The lyrics to the song say, “I bow my head to pray, I don’t know what to say. I’m not sure how to fix the things I’m dealing with. I’m in a desperate place, I need to share the weight, but I just don’t know how, to let it all pour out. Though I’m silent, my heart is crying, cause I was made to come to You. So I pray, God I need You more than words can say. Right here in this moment, You know my heart, You know my need, You know every part of me. So even if it’s just to speak Your name. I’m gonna pray.” God is in control, and we will continue to pray and believe for my Dad’s healing. To God be all of the glory!
Pictured: Pastor Raymond Franks, Faithful servant of our Lord
Please also pray for my friend Ernie who I am helping with a sexual addiction. Ernie gave me permission to use his name as he seeks your prayers in healing. Please personalize your prayers for Ernie. Pray for healing. Ernie is going to be starting in depth Christian counseling next week. His Pastor helped line that up for him.  I am part of his accountability group. Pastor Leonard Navarre has taught me much about sexual addictions, pornography as he has studied this topic in depth and has helped so many people. He and his son Pastor Brandon Navvarre of Midland, Texas did a radio program on pornography awhile back. I need to get that audio and post it! It is an excellent program! The rate of pornography is too high in the church!
Please also pray for me and my family. Sharon has been very sick, but she went today to make a presentation! I love my wife so much! We are also praying for continued healing for Reno! We pray for wisdom in all we do. We also pray for more donors to FGGAM. The ministry has exploded and we would pray for more to come along side us and the team here at FGGAM. Even with all what is going on at the Moede house the Lord has given me the strength to continue everyday serving others, it is all of the Lord. Thank you for your consideration, we pray that we are worthy of your support. The demand or need of our services to individuals is at a new level and growing.
Be even more thankful to those who help you along the way!
Being filled with the Holy Spirit means giving Jesus complete control of your life. In other words, the Spirit-filled life is the “Christ-directed” life in which Jesus lives through us in power of the Holy Spirit.
This is how I practice living a Christ-directed life: I consider my body as a suit of clothes for Jesus, in which I have exchanged my former life of failures and defeat for His life of victory. This is the full abundant life mentioned in John 10:10. All of me—-my body, mind, and spirit—-is a vehicle for Christ to live His miraculous life through me. Paul expresses it this way, “I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me” Galatians 2:20.
If you ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit, God will fulfill His part because of His command and His promise. He has commanded us to be filled with the Spirit. Paul writes, “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead , let the Holy Spirit fill and control you” Ephesians 5:18
From Bill Bright and his book, The Real Jesus.
In this day with the movement to legalize  marijuana, this is the message God gave me today, be filled with the Holy Spirit, don’t be drunk with the evil things of this world.holyspirit
Are we there yet? By Rodney Allison
When taking a trip with your family or friends there is no doubt you have heard the phrase “Are we there yet? A phrase that we have all heard a thousand times when traveling with young children. A phrase that does not need to be taught to children. We put the kids in the car, pull out of the driveway, and while taking our first turn we hear “Are we there yet?” Children do not have a concept of time and distance. This comes through experience and maturity. We respond to our children by giving them a general time frame and land mark to watch for. Perhaps we describe a local restaurant that is near grandma’s house that is easy to spot. We describe the big green dinosaur holding a hamburger at the front of the store. We tell them, “When you see the restaurant with the big green dinosaur holding a hamburger you will know we are getting close to grandma’s.”
We can identify with the children in the back seat. We have all been there and asked the very same question, “Are we there yet?” You see this with the disciples when they asked Jesus for the signs of His coming in Matt 24:3: “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of they coming, and of the end of the world?” The disciples are asking “Are we there yet?” Christ responds with a warning of deception telling them that “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”
It seems that there are restaurants with dinosaurs popping up on every corner. There are restaurants with red dinosaurs, blue dinosaurs, and many colored dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs are holding a box of chicken, some are holding a pizza, and so on. All the restaurants have similar dinosaurs, but they are all not the same. Does it matter that the dinosaur is not exactly what was originally described to watch for? Does it matter that the dinosaur is a different color? As Jesus was warning His disciples that these imitations, false signs are causing people to take different paths. Jesus warns that some will get lost on the way. Some will get confused. Some will lose sight of their joy and hope of salvation.
The truth is getting blurred and the church and the world are beginning to look a lot alike. Jesus teaches us in the parable of the sower (Matt 13) that satan is looking to rob the seed of God’s Word from those who are not prepared to discern truth from deception. From knowing the difference between the Truth and a fable. Look how Christ reveals in the parable of the sower the tactics that satan is using in the world today to distract the Church. With the increasing availability to information it seems that are new doctrines are being created daily in an attempted to keep us from correctly understanding God’s Word. Christian persecution is increasing around the world to shake those who seed in on the rocky places. The cares of the world are growing with the engineered collapse of the world’s economy to choke the seed that fell among the thorns. Thorns is a representation of sin and walking in sin will make the believer unfruitful and unable to see the signs of Christ coming.
The Bible teaches us that we do not wrestle not against flesh and blood, but we do wrestle against the seducing doctrines of demons (1Tim 4) that are there to deceive, discourage, and to derail the Church from its calling. We are a people called unto the Righteousness of Christ and we should not apologize or be ashamed of it. God’s grace is not there as an excuse for sin, but God’s grace is there to help us overcome sin through Christ so that the light of the Gospel will shine brighter and brighter in a world that is getting darker.
You always heard the question asked, “What is the meaning of life?” I believe the answer is in the question. To be meaningful. And to live a meaningful life in Christ is to live according to God’s Word as we stand up for Truth and Righteousness in a world that is being prepared for the acceptance of the antichrist. Through this we will have tribulation, however, through Christ we will overcome!
We need to understand the times we are living in and to not be ignorant of satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). To discern the deceptions and distractions that are there to make our message unproductive and unfruitful. The deceptions and distractions that are there to keep us from seeing the signs of the times we are living in.
Shall we pray “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, (Eph 1:17-18).
For God’s Glory Alone Rodney Allison. I thank Pastor Jim Montoya and Victor Martinez for introducing me to Rodney.Your message
today was very POWERFUL Rodney
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and families. Let us keep praying for each other and our families.
Visit us today!

If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

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