New Mexico’s Cindy Mansfield Receives Promotion From Trinity Broadcasting Network


Cindy Mansfield General Manager of Trinity Broadcasting in Albuquerque has received a promotion. Cindy will oversee TBN operations not only in Albuquerque, but now also Denver! I just got off the phone with Cindy and we spent time in prayer and giving thanks.

I told Cindy it was so inspiring to see her husband Pastor Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church  make the announcement:

Congratulations to my beautiful and brilliant wife, Cindy Mansfield for being named the Southwest Regional Manager at Trinity Broadcasting Network! I’m very proud of you Cindy! Might The Lord continue to use you for His Glory!

Cindy and Richard are such excellent role models for us all. I told Cindy with all the lay offs, unemployment and Richard Mansfield and Cindystore closings going on it was so Uplifting to see someone get a PROMOTION! For God’s Glory Alone! Cindy started with TBN in 1989 and as she said, “I love it, TBN is a blessing and I pray everyday that I live and learn from the Lord.”

By the way I learned something I did not know about Cindy! She once taught school for Pastor Ray Franks when she first came to Albuquerque and also was working at Family Life Radio in Albuquerque when it was launched.

One of the things the Lord has shown me here at FGGAM is to hold others up for His Glory Alone, so we can learn from others, so we can be inspired from others to do greater things for our Lord! Amen!

Pictured: Cindy and Pastor Richard receiving an award at a past Son Broadcasting event.

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