Dear Family of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
What makes the temptation of power so great for people? so irresistible? Maybe it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love. It seems easier for some to be God than to love God, easier to control people than to love people, easier to own life than to love life. Jesus asks, “Do you love me?” We ask, “Can we sit at your right hand and your left hand in your Kingdom?” Matt. 20:21. Ever since the snake
said, “The day you eat of this tree your eyes will be open and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil” Genesis 3:5, we have been tempted to replace love with power.

Jesus was exposed to temptation to do something spectacular, something that could win great applause. “Throw yourself from the parapet of the temple and let the angels catch you and carry you in your arms” Matthew 4:6. But Jesus refused to be a stunt man. He did not come to prove himself. He did not come to walk on hot coals, swallow fire, or put His hand in the lion’s mouth to demonstrate that He has something worthwhile to say. “Don’t put the Lord your God to test,” He said.
I want to share with a post from FGGAM.ORG from Paul Holt that is right on! This is a down right shame, disgusting to say the least!
It used to be the case that the president of the United States would set an example for America to follow. While to a certain degree some presidents put up a facade to at least appear to live a good life, they at least understood that their life was lived in a fish bowl and they should say and do things that reflected well on the office they held.
However, our current president, Barrack Obama, is working to normalize the recreational use of marijuana. The Obama administration has been acting unlawfully (again) when it comes to enforcing the federal law on pot. Recreational marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, but Obama’s administration has given states permission (authority not given by the constitution) to experiment with pot regulation. Laws recently passed in Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana recently went into effect.
The president is among those who desire to marginalize the stigma of pot use. In a recent interview the president gave to “The New Yorker” magazine, Mr. Obama stated that marijuana use was no less dangerous than alcohol use.

Obama allegedly smoked so much marijuana while attending Punahou School in Hawaii that he and a group of friends called themselves the “Choom Gang.” Choom is a verb that means “to smoke marijuana.”
Smoking marijuana is “not something I encourage, and I’ve told my daughters I think it’s a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy,” Obama said in the New Yorker interview.
Instead of discouraging pot use, the president is more concerned with minorities being prosecuted for using. ”Middle-class kids don’t get locked up for smoking pot, and poor kids do,” he said. “And African-American kids and Latino kids are more likely to be poor and less likely to have the resources and the support to avoid unduly harsh penalties.”
The administration has already lowered the standard for what constitutes illegal possession, refusing to pursue many cases that the law clearly binds the justice department to prosecute.
He said in the interview that users shouldn’t be locked up for long stretches of time when people writing drug laws “have probably done the same thing.”
I will say it again. Using marijuana is fraught with dangers we do not fully understand yet. Christians should not use pot nor should they engage in drunkenness. It goes beyond our bodies being the temple of God. The Lord has commanded us to avoid these drugs.
Excellent words from Pastor Paul Holt. This is the kind of commentary you get daily at FGGAM.ORG. We are also, Lord willing going to discuss this today on The World We Live In Radio program on KDAZ AM730 at 12:05pm New Mexico time. Now you folks from all over the world can listen! Just go to and you will see where you can click and listen to AM730 live streaming!
FGGAM is New Mexico’s Number one Christian News and Inspiration web site and growing for God’s Glory Alone. God is blessing us beyond our wildest dreams in growing this ministry! I never would have thought!!!! LOL!
I weep everyday at what God has done in my life through FGGAM. I am just a simple man trying to follow God’s Will for my life each day and have been surrounded by a wonderful wife and friends to help fulfill the mission that God has given us.
Pray for us as we reach out to expand our radio programming, for us to do the Lord’s Will, not our’s.
Make sure and listen at 12:05pm today…….KDAZ AM730 or on the web at FGGAM.ORG
It is purely disgusting what this how this President is acting, no role model at all! Call it like it is, it is awful behavior! With leaders like this no wonder pour society is going to pot!
God has given Sister Karen Rowe these words…………
A light from God -A story told, by Karen Rowe Jan 2014
God’s good morning to you! I have a testimony that needs to be told. I couldn’t tell it until I learned God’s message in whole!
The message is this: Notice the things around you that you cannot see!
The next time you feel burdened from someone’s “ignorant” behavior / blatant disrespect -take a moment to draw in the sand! Hold on to your faith until you see what you can’t see, but faith knows -God is doing something good through every situation!
It is not the person who is burdening you – The person is in need of your patience, kindness and most of all your prayers!
How are you going to pray for them if you are angry at them?
Don’t be confused! Just as God is near … Satan is prowling around every dark corner hiding his face -but I saw it!
I have seen our invisible, but living Jesus -because God wanted me to according to my purpose!
I have recently experienced seeing the angry face of Satan, when I overcome a situation by grace alone! I saw that face immediately after my heart changed and my words were simply this: “I can be patient a little while longer and I can pray for this person.”
Can you be patient with someone a little longer -you better be! Can you be kind and keep still until your frustration has left and the JOY of Jesus fills your heart from the LOVE of God who pours into your soul? Jesus recommends life according to God’s Word and I will testify to its Truth …even in Today’s World that seems to have grown too big for their God’s pants that need to be worn every day.
Don’t ever outgrow God -but always keep growing in your knowledge, understanding and Wisdom that comes from Heaven -Always keep growing in your character.
We best stay in step with the LOVE of God. John 3:16-17 ! Peace is our assurance we are with God.
The next time you feel frustration or rushed -remember:
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
Thank you Karen, what a blessing you are!
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For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and families
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. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.
Thank you,Dewey Moede
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