Tough as the Skin of an Alligator


alligatorSkin of an Alligator by Nicole Richardson Bryan:If you plan on being a spokesperson for the Lord you better learn to get the skin of an alligator. Not everyone will agree with you whether it be that it goes against their opinion(which they have a right to) or whether it has touched a raw spot in their life. You will not be very popular and you will not have many friends. You will have to lean on His guidance and His friendship like never before and learn how to be alone more than you would like. But if He has called you to be obedient in an area He will make up for what your heart lacks if you are faithful. If in the end you have done what He has asked even while under intense scrutiny or persecution, done it in His love as best you could, and have helped someone to walk forward and succeed when they really wanted to give up, then anything you undergo and endure will be worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this and the enemy has made you shut your mouth or erase your written words out of fear, that you will be encouraged that He has you and will help you in the times of hurt and darkness. If you were called to be a scribe for Him then choose your words carefully, make sure that growth, warning, protection, encouragement, and love of and for others is the only motive behind your words and brace yourself and be obedient. You WILL encounter opposition but don’t allow that to deter you. Not everyone will agree and they don’t have to. That is their right and their freedom and it needs to be respected at all times. Say what you have to say with the right heart and motive and let God do the rest. Words should build, encourage, warn, inform, and protect. Use them wisely.

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