A Man Named Don Kimbro


Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thanks for stopping by for a CUP today.
We thank the Lord for His blanket of purity this morning in New Mexico! We have plenty of snow pictures and news and inspiration for you at FGGAM.ORG  www.fggam.org ;
Thank You Lord for the moisture, we PRAISE YOUR NAME!
We work hard for you 24/7 in covering the news you need to know in your daily walk with Jesus Christ! www.fggam.org please come by for a visit. We would be thankful. Would you also spread the word about FGGAM? When your on Facebook, will you like our new page? For God’s Glory Alone Ministries? Will you also forward our news and inspiration posts on Facebook and Twitter? This is not about FGGAM, it is about God and what He has told us to do, show His light to one person at a time.
I met Pastor Don Kimbro years ago when I was manager of KKIM radio. Don was the Pastor at Heights Christian Church in Albuquerque at the time. Don got started doing his radio program, “Nuggets Of Truth” on KKIM that still is airing too this day. Don has helped me so much in my walk with Jesus Christ, my prayer life, establishing FGGAM, introduced me to Pastor Leonard Navarre and also lined me up with the Heights Christian softball team!!!! Sharon and I are so ever grateful for Don and his lovely wife Dorothy’s love. Don sent me this post! You will be so blessed by reading! This is an excellent time for this for more than one reason, Sharon has the day off and we are going to lunch with our friend and supporter of FGGAM Grace Cordova. We do not get out much, so we are looking forward to this, Lord Willing! PRAISE GOD!
Let me just add, that I encourage you too have mentor’s in your life and also an accountability group. Don has been a mentor for me and also holds me accountable. You need people of all ages to be part of your life. I am blessed to have children, friends in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s as mentor’s and they also hold me accountable. Each age bracket gives you a bit of a different perspective.
I have been helping a man nearly 60 years of age who is having challenges and he says he has no close friends. That broke my heart. We all need friends and we all need to reach out to people. Do you reach out to others?
day of Pentecost
By Pastor Don Kimbro
The day of Pentecost was a magnificent and powerful event in the life of the first century church. Most mark it as the day the church began when the Holy Spirit came down on everyone at that early morning prayer meeting (Acts 2). It didn’t take long however, maybe just a few days, for the new church to become embroiled in controversy when God’s healing power was openly manifested in a resounding and visible  miracle that shook the whole Temple area (Acts 3).
As they were giving explanation to the people, Peter and John were arrested by the Temple authorities but strangely not for the miracle which was acknowledged (Acts 4:16), but for the message they were preaching (Acts 4:2-4). They were “proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead” and five thousand more believers had responded as a result (Acts 4:4). Then came vehement and threatening opposition (Acts 4:27). Now given this setting, I want you to see how the church reacted to this initial onslaught of persecution. Perhaps this is a lesson to the contemporary church as to how we should be first responders to the increasing pressure being brought against the church in America and even the outright ban of the gospel in many countries of the world. I want you to notice what they did next in response.
They didn’t sign petitions. They didn’t form protests in the streets. They didn’t write their legislators. They didn’t rail on their opposition. They didn’t leave Jerusalem. They didn’t even ask God for protection.
And this is what they prayed (Acts 4:29-31):
·         An unreserved boldness in speaking God’s word (v. 29).
·         Healing from heaven (v. 30).
·         Miraculous signs and wonders (v. 30).
·         All in the name of Jesus (the name they had been forbidden to speak (Acts 4:18).
And what was the result?
·         The place where they were praying was shaken (literally, “a rocking, a vibrating motion”). Obviously, this was a sign from God (v. 31).
·         They were all “filled with the Holy Spirit (v. 31).
·         They spoke the word of God boldly, just like they had asked (v. 31, 33).
·         An incredible unity followed in the church as they “were of one heart and soul” and shared everything they had with one another (v. 32-33).
·         They gave the church huge sacrificial offerings to distribute as needed (v. 34).
This all happened because they prayed. Can you imagine that happening in the church today?
Why not?
— Pastor Don Kimbro
Nuggets Of Truth
Weekdays @ 7:30 AM, 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM
On the Internet @MyKKIM.com
Now how about this! Just love how the Lord works! Stephen Young, who posts at FGGAM.ORG www.fggam.org  sent this to me this morning:
suddenlyActs 16:25-26: Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. 26 Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! NLT
It’s possible that I’ve used this title before but here it is again. Take time to read all of chapter 16 but the context of this is Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for disrupting the city by preaching the Gospel and having signs and wonders follow them. Verse 20 and 21 says: “The whole city is in an uproar because of these Jews!” they shouted to the city officials. “They are teaching customs that are illegal for us Romans to practice.”
In the midst of them sitting in prison they didn’t start complaining, they didn’t get depressed, instead they were praying and singing hymns to God while the other prisoners were listening. Here’s the first lesson we can take from this. Even though the situation wasn’t in their favor and it didn’t seem fair, they kept praising God. I want to encourage you, and myself, that even when you’re situation isn’t in your favor or doesn’t seem fair keep praising God. He’s got it under control and He will make good of your circumstance. Also notice that the other prisoners were listening. Other people will listen to how you respond to both the positive and the negative things in your life.
As they were praising God, suddenly, there was an earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations. The doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! There are some key words here. Suddenly, immediately, and every. As they were praising, suddenly there was a massive earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations. As they were praising, immediately the doors flew open. As they were praising, every prisoner had their chains fall off.
Some of you reading this may be at a very dark time in your life, it may seem like midnight but I encourage you to keep praising God. He will break through the darkness and there will be a suddenly in your life that will shake everything that’s keeping you a prisoner down to its foundation! Immediately doors are going to fly open that you thought were sealed shut! And I believe that as this happens, everyone around you can be set free themselves just by simply witnessing your freedom.
Have a Paul and Silas moment and watch as, suddenly, the darkness is pierced, walls crumble, doors fly open, and even others are set free because of your testimony! God Bless! – Steve
Thank you Don and Stephen for blessing us this morning! We love you both!
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo, FGGAM Board and families
Visit us today!


If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- https://fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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