Democrats and Republicans In New Mexico Are Happy At The Same Time! How Can this Be? It’s called Spending Our Money!


It seems the Democrats and Republicans in New Mexico are all happy at the same time! WOW! Why is this? They all got some of what they wanted in this years budget for Education, $2.7 Billion worth of tax payer money to throw in the wind and pray that it might stick some where near a child. Today at FGGAM we have several posts on children and the sanctity of life. We stand with God for His children. Money will not solve the problems our society has. The easiest thing for a politician to do is spend our money and then they feel good about themselves that they passed a budget and all sorts of laws. They pat themselves on the back. I have talked to countless teachers, and they keep bringing it back to the homes of the children. We have a severe problem in the homes of our children in New Mexico and the United States. So many single parent homes, so many children hungry(New Mexico is one of the leading states in the nation for hungry children) , so many children being raised without a parent, they are being raised by grandpa and grandma’s or aunt and uncles. A veteran teacher in Albuquerque told me that he has several kid’s that do not bathe for weeks, wear the same clothes for days, they are hungry, their parents steal the food that is sent home with them for the weekend in a back pack that is donated by a local church. This comes from one of the better schools in Albuquerque. How are teachers to teach children in these type of conditions. The children are in no situation to learn with all these issues. You see, that 2.7 billion dollars that the Governor and Legislature just spent does not focus on the family. As my friend closed our conversation, he was in tears for the children of New Mexico, he said, we need to focus on the family.

Yes, a society that does not protect it’s children will fail. Money is not the answer, Revival in our homes is….A Godly revival, bringing people Jesus Christ and His way. Bringing the good news of Jesus Christ back into our homes and schools. That is the duty that God has given us, the Great Commission, let us carry it out, one home at a time, one child at a time.

Have these Politicians forgotten by doing the same thing over and over, spending more money on an educational system that has failed is just plain stupid?

The core issue of failure was ignored.

This is more proof that it does not matter whether you have the Democrats in charge, or the Republicans in charge! As MFiat Moneyark Twain once said, “The only difference between a Democrat and Republican is the spelling.”

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