God We Are Not



“According to a recent report in Nature, scientists from Oregon Health & Sciences University have successfully created human embryos with genetic information from one man and two different women.  The ground-breaking technique is meant to prevent the passing on of deadly mitochondrial diseases from mother to child.”[i]


The procedure is describe as being similar to the process that was used in the making the first cloned sheep Dolly.[ii]

However, Dolly died at the age of 61/2 years old (which is half the life of a typical sheep) with the lung disease and arthritis found in older sheep.[iii]

It seems that playing God has not worked out very those who try and that should teach us something.

It has comes out that Monsanto’s GMO (genetically modified organism) corn is causing strange mutations in the rats. “Fifty percent of male and 70 percent of female rats died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group, said the researchers.”[iv]


Changing the genetics of what God has created will only cause corruption for the immediate and generations to come. Instead of trying to change the genetic code of humans, plants, and animals to prevent disease we start by not consuming the GMO and other toxic ingredients we put in our food and water.

Cancer is reporting to increase by 57% worldwide over the next 20 years.[v]

 Gal 6:7 –

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.



For example, what do we expect to reap when we sow plastics into our food?[vi]


Or what do we gain with putting fluoride into our water that is known to cause neurological disorders in children?




Man wants to bypass the heart of God and try to do things his way. Trying to find a cure for disease not by cleaning the food and water but modifying the genetics.


 Prov 16:25 –

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.


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