Michelle Obama And Her $12,000 Dress


Obama and 12,000 dressThe Obama’s continue to insult the common folk of America. They have no empathy for what you and I are going through with this economic depression and the depression of  good ol’ American morals. Michelle Obama wears a dress that cost about $12,000!!???!! I guess the First Lady missed the sale at Wal-Mart, where America shops! Click here:


  1. The Queen of North America; shop at Walmart; serious?!?
    So very many hurting while they bask in their blindness and dis-concern!!!

  2. Obamas Seen in the Bible !

    Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): “It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury – how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!”
    Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under “a servant who becomes king.”

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