Pearce And O’Rourke Announce More Bipartisan Border Efforts


border agetntsFGGAM News received this press release from Congressman Steve Pearce’s office yesterday:

Anthony, NM (February 8, 2014) – Today, Republican U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce (NM-02) and Democrat U.S. Congressman Beto O’Rourke (TX-16) met with community leaders and others in Anthony, New Mexico to announce their plans to introduce legislation aimed at improving training and accountability for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

“I am proud to work across the aisle with Congressman O’Rourke on another commonsense solution to our immigration system,” said Pearce.  “This proposal further emphasizes that together, our nation can find simple solutions to our broken system.  Immigration reform is still possible this Congress—Congressman O’Rourke and I have now introduced two simple, one-step proposals that provide a strong starting point.  Our bipartisan efforts focus on clear solutions to tackle part of the challenges that face our country and our communities. Together we are moving the ball forward.”

The proposal, which will be developed into legislation with the close involvement of local communities, focuses on accountability for CBP, including creation of new channels for individuals to resolve issues with CBP.  Furthermore, the proposal includes improved training for CBP to keep officers safe and enhance their relationships with the local communities they protect.  The proposal is the result of a wide variety of constituents—ranchers, immigrants, commuters, and others—who approached the congressmen with personal stories and ideas for improving CPB operation and community interaction.

In October, Pearce and O’Rourke introduced H.R. 3431, the American Families United Act, which would allow judicial review for certain American citizens separated from their families due to immigration issues.  Today’s proposal is the second bipartisan proposal put forward by the two congressman aimed at addressing the nation’s issues at the border.

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