People Getting Ready For The Winter Storm


empty-walmart-water-shelf-food-shortages-14-300x225Residents in the south eastern states are taking the coming winter storm very seriously. Stores in South Carolina, Atlanta, and other neighboring states are reporting that store shelves are being emptied by residents preparing for the worst.

Some might think it is extreme to prepare for a storm like the one that is expected this weekend. However, we have seen within the last decade how quick an event can occur that can limit our access to everyday necessities. From Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to as recent as Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

The Bible instructs us to be prepared in season and out of season (2 Tim 4:2). Most relate this passage as being ready to preach God’s Word at any moment, at any time. And this being true, however, I believe God is telling us more.

One’s testimony is not just the words that are said but the life that is lead. Paul charges the believer to live one’s life with the expectation of Christ’s appearing by that of preaching, reproving, exhorting, and longsuffering. 2 Tim 4:2 is defining actions in one’s life that confirms his testimony.

We are to be proactive as Christians and the Bible give us many examples of those who prepared in advanced. Noah prepared for the flood by building an ark instructed by God that saved him and his family. Abraham was able to rescue his nephew that was captured because he had trained his servants to fight (Gen 14:14). Joseph stored grain to prepare for the coming drought the God revealed so he would be able to feed others (Gen 41). David was prepared in advanced by protecting his father’s sheep and was ready when he faced Goliath (1 Sam 17:34). Proverbs also gives us the example of the ant that knows to prepare in the summer to be ready for the winter (Pro 30:25).

It is how we live our lives that the world we will see we are Christ’s disciples (John 13:35). Love is more than affection, it is an action that is prepared to provide for those who are in need (John 3:16).


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