This poll is no surprise to me. Americans are discouraged. America has lost it’s world leadership with it’s weakest President ever. We are a discouraged people because of a failed economy, health care, every domestic policy that has come out of the Obama Administration has failed. Don’t get me started on Obama’s disaster as far as foreign policy, because there is no policy, with his disappearing red line. America is an angry country, after seeing the failed foreign policies of both Bush and Obama. Most Americans do not think the U.S. needs to make any response to the Russian takeover of part of Ukraine. … 62% of Americans asked in a new poll say the U.S. is not obligated to intervene in the current situation between Russia and Ukraine. Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents all agree that the U.S. should NOT take any action on behalf of Ukraine. Americans are a frustrated people, disappointed in the fact that the Democrats and Republicans do not offer any leadership at all, except leadership that leads to darkness. We have the worst President and Congress in the history of our Great Country, thus the American people do not have the will to support any overseas efforts. No trust in the President and Congress. Let us pray that America Blesses God.
So as Putin rages on, I have stated many times here and on the radio that Putin is the most evil person in our world, very satanic, with a goal to become the World Leader along with China, America is stuck in mud. America has become so wrapped up in our own ugly problems that we have become Isolated from the world, we have no solutions for the world as long as we have a dysfunctional
You see, there are Biblical ramifications of not having God at the center of everything….everything. Britain is also failing, it has lost it’s world influence (Remember Reagan and Maggie?) Britain, a country where aborted babies were burned to heat hospitals. America, where babies are killed everyday through abortion. God will not bless this behavior, in fact He will punish.
Russia and China have risen to the top.