EU expansion in the Ukraine


The events surrounding Ukraine have gone from “peaceful” protest to putting the world on the edge of the sword within months. While it seemed that the majority of Americans were against an invasion of Syria, it now seems that with the Ukraine all lights are green. What is the difference between the two conflicts? Was the Ukraine protest an organic response to its government or was there an influence from outside sources?

Kurt Nimmo ( reported that the protestors in Ukraine where “organized by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, George Soros’ Open Society Institute and a host of public-private NGOs (non-government organizations)…”[i] U.S. involvement in foreign affairs is nothing new and it seems that this is case in the Ukraine with investing a reported 5 billion dollars to the support of the protestors.[ii]

The issue of the contest is over a struggle for the EU to expand is territory into the Ukraine. Senator McCain warned Ukraine’s government that if they intervene with the protestors (EU expansion) then “the United States will take “concrete action” against Ukraine’s government …and…“would deserve serious consideration (sanctions)” by Congress.[iii]

It seems the crisis in the Ukraine is not a local issue but a global issue of expanding powers across borders with the US threating sanctions is the Ukrainian government does not comply.”[iv]

Now with the overthrow of the Ukrainian government an extremist group (Svoboda[v]) with Neo Nazzi ties have been put in charge with US backing.[vi] There seems to be a pattern emerging. After the protest in Egypt the US backed the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood.[vii] And with revelations of US government support of al-Qadea in Syria spearheaded by John McCain[viii] with the question being asked “I thought al-Qadea was our enemy?”

Putin warned that US military action in Syria would be breaking international law[ix] and is again warning the US that sanctions could be classified as an “unconstitutional takeover.”[x]

It could be interpreted that the EU, US, and UN are trying to unite the world under one banner.

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