NM Congressman Pearce: Delayed Honor For American Hero


medal of honor

FGGAM News just received this news release from Congressman Pearce’s office: Washington, DC (March 18, 2014) – Today, the Medal of Honor, the military’s highest honor, was posthumously awarded to Victor H. Espinoza, an El Paso native and Korean War veteran. His nephew, Roswell resident Amado “Sonny” Espinoza, received the medal on his behalf.

“Though decades too late, our nation today recognized the incredible courage, bravery, and sacrifice of one of our heroes,” said U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce. “Mr. Espinoza’s family should be proud of his valor and heroism. I know his story will be remembered in New Mexico, and his legacy will live on.”

Espinoza, who passed away in 1986, was awarded the medal today for “extraordinary heroism” in a daring assault in Chorwon, Korea, on 1 August 1952. According to the citation for the Distinguished Service Cross, his actions “inspired all who observed him and enabled the unit to continue the assault and to secure the strong point.”

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