Prayer At New Mexico’s Capitol Under Attack From Freedom From Religion Foundation

Religious Freedom is once again under attack, this time at the Roundhouse(New Mexico’s State Capitol)Governor Martinez and children in Santa Fe. It is so wonderful in our Lord to be able to pray at our State Capitol, National Day of Prayer events, Pastor Garland Moore of Grants/Milan, New Mexico prayed at the opening of this years session. This past Valentines Day New Mexico Prayer Connect and Children In Prayer New Mexico prayed with Governor Martinez and State Legislators at the Capitol. This has thrown Freedom From Religion of Albuquerque into a fit. Yesterday afternoon I received the following email from Pastor Mark Tross of Rio Rancho, who is the coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect:
I sent the following email to Alliance Defending Freedom and the American Center For Law And Justice:I’m the coordinator for NM Prayer Connect and we recently held a prayer event on Fri., Feb. 14, in Santa Fe, NM with Governor Martinez and other representatives @ The Roundhouse with Children In Prayer NM We received this email and were directed to contact you by an Albuquerque attorney:
Date: February 26, 2014 at 2:32:14 PM MSTSubject: Prayer EventsNew Mexico Prayer Connection,
Prayer events on government property are in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The politicians involved in these events are also in violation. These events will be reported to the attorneys for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
There are many other places to hold prayer events–churches come to mind.
Jerrold Gilbert, Secretary
Freedom From Religion, Albuquerque
We did not directly respond to this email, but do look forward to your response, as we want to push back the darkness and not give into it.
Thanks & Blessings,
Pastor Mark Tross
Thank you Pastor Mark for this information.We must stand against these attacks from such groups as Freedom From Religion Foundation. We must be in prayer on this matter.The attacks on God in America continue to multiply.  Let us pray for New Mexico Prayer Connect and Children in Prayer New Mexico. Also for people like the Secretary of the Freedom From Religion in Albuquerque, Jerrold Gilbert, who makes a very sarcastic remark at the end of his letter. I pray that all State Capitol’s will always be open to God! AMEN! We must make our voices heard! This email made me very sad as our Country continues slip away from God. Its interesting that these folks use the word FREEDOM, and they want to take away our FREEDOM.Luke 23:24 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

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