Today In History; March 14



Good Morning & God Bless To Every One !

Today is March 14, the 73rd day of 2014 and there are 292 days left this year where it is another Blessed Day in the pleasure of our service for our Lord here at:

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries !!!

My regrets for not getting my ‘history’ post out yesterday. ‘Pop-up’ events kept overcoming ‘Planned’ events yesterday and each time I approached my old but trusty computer, (which amazing still does it’s job over 10 years later!), pop-ups would come up and take priority over the planned. One of those was our very own Pastor Dewey stopping by the house yesterday afternoon to give prayer over my precious wife Sandy who was suffering from a very sever fibromyalgia attack and also some other events occurring in which we greatly needed our Lord’s attention. He also brought his two precious ‘Ministers’, Buffy & Reno along with him who are both recovering from cancer surgery. Pastor took pictures which I’ll put here showing what precious love they give, along with the Pastor. Please try to ignore my cracked and brittle teeth which have greatly deterioriated following my radiation & chemo treatments, I’ve no idea how to ‘photo-shop’ that part out!:Reno and Rick newBuffy and Rick

So, What Happened Today In 1862?

In the American Civil War, Yankees capture New Bern, North Carolinabattle of new bern

In the American Civil War, at the Battle of New Bern, Union General Ambrose Burnside captures North Carolina’s second largest city and closes another port through which the Confederates could slip supplies.

The capture of New Bern continued Burnside’s success along the Carolina coast. Five weeks earlier, he led an amphibious force against Roanoke Island between Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. The Yankees captured the island on February 8; now Burnside moved against New Bern on the mainland. On March 13, he landed 12,000 troops along the Neuse River, 15 miles south of New Bern. Accompanied by 13 gunboats, Burnside’s army marched up river to face 4,000 Confederate troops commanded by General Lawrence O. Branch.

The city was protected by extensive defenses, but Branch did not have enough soldiers to properly staff them. He concentrated his men along the inner works a few miles downriver from New Bern. Early on the morning of March 14, Burnside’s men attacked in a heavy fog, and two of the three Yankee brigades crashed into the fortifications. General Jesse Reno’s brigade struck the weakest part of the line, where an inexperienced Rebel militia unit tried to hold off the Federals. Burnside’s third brigade joined Reno and the Confederate line collapsed. That afternoon, Union gunboats steamed into New Bern.

Union casualties for the battle were around 90 killed and 380 wounded, while the Confederates suffered approximately 60 killed, 100 wounded, and 400 captured. The conflict produced a Confederate hero, Colonel Zebulon Vance, who rescued his regiment by using small boats to bypass a bridge set afire by his comrades. Vance was elected governor of the state later that year.

Other Memorable Or Interesting Events Occurring On March 14 In History:

1689 – Scotland dismisses William III & Mary Stuart as king & queen;

1776 – In the American Revolution, Alexander Hamilton receives his commission as captain of a New York artillery company. Throughout the rest of 1776, Captain Hamilton established himself as a great military leader as he directed his artillery company in several battles in and around New York City. In March 1777, Hamilton’s performance came to the attention of General George Washington and he was commissioned lieutenant colonel and personal aide to General Washington in the Continental Army;

1794 – Eli Whitney received a patent for his cotton gin, an invention that revolutionized America’s cotton industry;

1879 – Albert Einstein is born, the son of a Jewish electrical engineer in Ulm, Germany. Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity drastically altered man’s view of the universe, and his work in particle and energy theory helped make possible quantum mechanics and, ultimately, the atomic bomb;

1900 – The United States currency goes on the gold standard as congress ratified the Gold Standard Act;

1903 – The Senate ratifies the Hay-Herran Treaty, guaranteeing the United states the right to build a canal in Panama;

1915 – In World War I, the British ships Kent and Glasgow corner the German light cruiser Dresden in Cumberland Bay, off the coast of Chile. After raising the white flag, the Dresden‘s crew abandoned and scuttled the ship, which sank with its German ensign flying;

1923 – President Warren G. Harding became the first chief executive to file an income tax return, paying a tax of $17,990 on his $75,000 salary;

1939 – The republic of Czechoslovakia was dissolved, opening the way for the German Nazi occupation of Czech areas and the separation of Slovakia;

1943 – During World War II, German troops re-enter Kharkov, the second largest city in the Ukraine, which had changed hands several times in the battle between the USSR and the invading German forces. Kharkov was a high-priority target for the Germans when they invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, as the city was a railroad and industrial center, and had coal and iron mines nearby. Among the most important industries for Stalin’s war needs was the Kharkov Tanks Works, which he moved out of Kharkov in December 1941 into the Ural Mountains. In fact, Joseph Stalin was so desperate to protect Kharkov that he rendered a “no retreat” order to his troops, which produced massive casualties within the Red Army over time;

1947 – Following the end of World War II, the United States signs a 99-year lease on naval bases in the Philippines;

1950 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation institutes the “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list in an effort to publicize particularly dangerous fugitives. The creation of the program arose out of a wire service news story in 1949 about the “toughest guys” the FBI wanted to capture;

1951 – During the Korean War, U.N. forces recapture Seoul for the second time during the Korean War;

1962 – Democrat Edward M. Kennedy officially launched in Boston his successful candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat from Massachusetts once held by his brother, President John F. Kennedy. Edward Kennedy served in the Senate for nearly 47 years;

1964 – Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who killed Lee Harvey Oswald–the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy –is found guilty of the “murder with malice” of Oswald and sentenced to die in the electric chair. It was the first courtroom verdict to be televised in U.S. history. Both the conviction and death sentence were later overturned, but Ruby died before he could be retried;

1965 – In the Vietnam War, twenty-four South Vietnamese Air Force planes, led by Vice-Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky and supported by U.S. jets, bomb the barracks and depots on Con Co (“Tiger”) Island, 20 miles off the coast of North Vietnam. The next day, 100 U.S. Air Force jets and carrier-based bombers struck the ammunition depot at Phu Qui, 100 miles south of Hanoi. This was the second set of raids in Operation Rolling Thunder and the first in which U.S. planes used napalm;

1967 – The body of President John F. Kennedy was moved from a temporary grave to a permanent memorial site at Arlington National Cemetery;

1969 – During the Vietnam War President Richard Nixon says there is no prospect for a U.S. troop reduction in the foreseeable future because of the ongoing enemy offensive. Nixon stated that the prospects for withdrawal would hinge on the level of enemy activity, progress in the Paris peace talks, and the ability of the South Vietnamese to defend themselves. Despite these public comments, Nixon and his advisers were secretly discussing U.S. troop withdrawals. On June 8, at a conference on Midway Island with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu, Nixon formally announced a new policy that included intensified efforts to increase the combat capability of the South Vietnamese armed forces so that U.S. forces could be gradually withdrawn. This program became known as “Vietnamization.” The first U.S. troop withdrawals occurred in the fall of 1969 with the departure of the headquarters and a brigade from the 9th Infantry Division;

1990 – During the (first) Cold War, the Congress of People’s Deputies elects General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev as the new president of the Soviet Union. While the election was a victory for Gorbachev, it also revealed serious weaknesses in his power base that would eventually lead to the collapse of his presidency in December 1991;

1991 – In the face of widespread questioning of their guilt, British authorities release the so-called “Birmingham Six,” six Irish men who had been sent to prison 16 years earlier for the 1974 terrorist bombings of two Birmingham, England, pubs;

1991 – Following the Gulf War, ‘Operation Desert Storm’, the Emir of Kuwait returns to Kuwait City, after the Iraqis leave;

2013 – Some 10,000 workers from across the European Union protested outside a summit of EU leaders in Brussels, demanding they end years of austerity and focus instead on curbing runaway unemployment with more spending;

2013 – During his first full day as pontiff, Pope Francis stopped by his Vatican hotel to pick up his luggage and pay the bill himself, a day after being elected by his fellow cardinals;

2013 – It was one year ago Today!

Now, Off To The Fun Stuff!!!

Today’s ‘Cross Breed’ That Melts Your Heart’:crossbreeds that melt your heart

Today’s Founder’s Quote:

“The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a greater Measure than they have it now, they may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty.” –John Adams, letter to Zabdiel Adams, 1776 (Two hundred and 38 years later, this quote still needs to be paid attention to; applies today as much as or even more now than it did then!);

Today’s Thought For The Day:

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
– John Stuart Mill, English philosopher and economist (1806-1873)

Today’s Impeccable Timing Picture:impeccable

Today’s Funny Animal Video, (actually cute more than funny):

Mother teaching baby Otter to swim –

Today’s ‘It’s Just An Observation’:

Let’s pretend our current administration was as concerned about the preservation of liberty, freedom and economic prosperity as say — George Washington, Ronald Reagan — or a number of other such administrations. Let’s pretend we were not cutting our military forces to a state of bare bones pre-World War II levels, by applying a number of resolutions that could be done quite easily with a solid economic plan to provide the money to sustain our military for our self-preservation and the continuation of at least our own liberty and freedom and many more around the globe if we desired. Let’s further pretend that such an administration was actually concerned about what is occurring in the Ukraine, and many other places, today which will continue unless something is done. Let’s pretend we had such an administration which was actually concerned about our economic recovery and advancement. Both situations could be resolved almost immediately. First, drop 25 to 50 thousand ‘armed’ troops in the Ukraine, with backup forces and equipment placed nearby should we need them. Second, immediately complete the construction of the Keystone pipeline and several other initiatives which would literally place us in first place around the globe in energy production, not to mention providing a job or two. Follow that with the establishment of a distribution system to move a healthy portion of that energy to Europe releasing them from having to purchase much of the same from Russia allowing Europe to place ‘real’ economic sanctions on Russia with us. Would Obama’s ‘good buddie’ Putin risk marching into the rest of Ukraine directly confronting our far above excellent United States Military Men and Women risking a third World War? (NO, especially since their economy would literally collapse when ‘full and real’ sanctions were placed on them while the Russian people would have only one choice – remove Obama’s buddie from power). Not only would he not continue his march into Ukraine which he most likely will do soon, he would most likely remove his military forces from the Crimea. I think we’ve proven that Obama’s ‘Strong Letters & Statements of abomination’ are rather unproductive, if not laughable at this point, and also considers ‘the weather’ our biggest enemy!

Today’s ‘Did U Know’:

The Trans-Siberian railway crosses exactly 3901 bridgesdid u know

Today’s ‘Least We Forget’ Music Video:

Lay Me Doone –

Today’s Positive Quote:

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims.
– Harriet Woods

Today’s ‘Try Not To Smile’ Picture:smile

Today’s Word For The Day:

Nexus (nex·us)  A means of connection; a link or tie: “The nexusbetween the mob and gambling.”  2. A connected series or group.  3. The core or center.

Today’s Trivia:

An adult has 206 bones.

Today’s ‘A Mother’s Love’ Picture:mothers love

Today’s Clever Words For Clever People:

PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV!

Today’s Motivational Quote:

Give light and people will find the way.
– Ella Baker

Today’s ‘Awe Of God’ Picture:awe

Today’s Inspirational Music Video:

My Savior Loves, My Savior Lives, My Savior Is Always There For Me –

Today’s Verse & Prayer:

Make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with Godliness, and Godliness with brotherly affection, and brother affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
– 2 Peter 1:5-8

My Father God, I am going to put out the effort to grow in your grace. Please bless my efforts and receive them as my heartfelt appreciation for loving me when I was unlovable and redeeming me when I was lost. I want to be productive to your glory in my life with Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen

Today’s Funny Church Sign:church

Until Tomorrow – America, Bless GOD !!!

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Rick Stambaugh
After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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