We Are Watchman

Watchman on The Wall

watchman on wallDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

What a wonderful day to serve our Lord 150%!!! Amen!

Sorry the CUP is late much news today and then had our radio show at Noon on KDAZ! Please forgive me.

How do you know your getting old?

Went to bed Friday night and forgot to shut the garage door! keys left in both cars…….door to house left open! WOW! God protected us……..The favor of God!

Then on Sunday I wore brown shoes, problem was they were not a match! But I had them on the right foot!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!

My friend Deacon Byron Wicker calls these ‘senior moments’ LOL!

This weekend we heard from many folks who are in need of prayer for health and other reasons. I talked to many of them. Today Lord, we lift up all who are hurting and facing major obstacles, but we know you blow those obstacles out of our way! We pray for healing and peace, in Jesus name, Amen!

We were blessed to get good reports on both Buffy and Reno with their cancer. We are not doing chemo, we are doing TLC, good nutrition and homeopathics. Our Vet’s are so good to us they are to charging us for check ups! PTL! Buffy has had an infection in her foot since surgery but it is clearing up, however the Lord has shown me and Sharon the infection was there all along. I have the best wife in the world, I have been wanting to say that all morning!

Thank you all for you prayers and love to the Moede household! We love you all!

Most of you know I love to get mail and sweet notes! Kind words are like honey—-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.Proverbs 16:24

We are watchman on the wall for our Lord here at FGGAM, just this morning I got this sweet note from Kelly Murphy Snelgrove in Cedar Grove, NM…….

This morning I read Psalm 134… Come, bless God, all you servants of God! You priests of God, posted to the nightwatch in God’s shrine, Lift your praising hands to the Holy Place, and bless God. In turn, may God of Zion bless you – God who made heaven and earth! MSG Notes: Singing this psalm, the last of the “songs of ascent”, the worshipers would ascend the hill where the temple sits and see the watchmen who protect it day and night. They saw the watchmen’s work as an act of praise to God, done reverently and responsibly.

Thank you Kelly for those words of encouragement! Those words preach!Amen! WOW! Spoke to me this day! Kelly is also writes for FGGAM, in our inspirational section. She is a God send.

Speaking of preaching, I will give the Word of God at Crestview Baptist Church in Albuquerque this Sunday.

Now here is another sweet note…….

Oh Brother Dewey,

I really needed that text from Darlene today.  Both my parents have gone to be with the Lord and I praise God for their deliverance.  Both my dad and mom said some of those same things many, many times.  I laughed as I read thru those statements and recalled my own family life.  What joy it brought me.

Blessings, Wanell Pate in Albuquerque

God Bless you Wanell thank you for the encouragement! Wanell is also a Board member here at FGGAM. Her and her husband Bob are wonderful supporters of FGGAM! We are very thankful for their service to FGGAM.

Did you miss the CUP Wanell’s talking about? Read it here:

What My Mom And Dad Showed Me

This fits in with what Kelly wrote………we attempt to be watchman on the wall for God’s people……

When God had Pastor Paul Holt jump started FGGAM’s news and inspiration web site back in February of 2013, I had no idea that the Lord would have us rise up so high for Him! Amen! Then this young man Isaac Milleson, our CTO,  came along and put the dynamite of the Lord into FGGAM and we continue to grow in readers for God’s Glory Alone! Amen! Since February of 2013 we will in the next few hours go over 180,000 visitors. We are based in Albuquerque, New Mexico,  it is our number one city in the world that we reach, but get this, New York City is number 2! PTL! New Mexico is our number 1 state, California is number 2! The United States is our number 1 country, with The United Kingdom and Canada almost tied for number 2! God is using FGGAM in a powerful way to send news and inspiration to the world through a Biblical perspective. We thank all who volunteer their God given writing skills to FGGAM! When you stop and think that this little ministry is ran out of the Moede’s house and Paul’s office, it’s pretty incredible, but that is our Lord! For those of you that do not know, FGGAM also serves God’s people through preaching, teaching, counseling, radio, and Youtube. Pray with us as we are working on ways to better serve the world for God’s Glory Alone! Amen!

Just think, 180,000 people have gotten a glimpse of heaven through the works of the FGGAM web site! Incredible!

When you factor in our past TV programs and our radio programming that is now on 4 stations, our counseling and preaching, in the last year we have reached just over 300,000 people in the past 12 months.glory to God

300,000 PRAISE GOD! WOW!

Only God, it’s all God!

Thankful that we have excellent tracking services.

The verse that drives FGGAM is Acts 20:24…….My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus.

You can do our mission a great work by suggesting FGGAM to all your friends, friend us on Facebook, forward our posts to your friends. Please spread the word what God is doing at FGGAM, For HIS Glory Alone!

Here is some headlines for you…….Prayer is under attack at the New Mexico State Capitol…….this is a must read:

Prayer At New Mexico’s Capitol Under Attack From Freedom From Religion Foundation

Got a lot of negative feedback on the movie ‘Son of God’ from folks, many are telling me it is not Bible based,  …….heads up on the movie ‘Noah”

The Marketing of ‘Noah’, It’s Not The Bible Story!

8 Year Old Whose Dad Died In Iraq Gives $20 He Found To A Soldier

Matthew McConaughey Left Oscar Crowd Speechless by Thanking God


Just a few of the stories we are covering 24/7 for you and yours!

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP! For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ< Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo, FGGAM Board and families

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.

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