Good Friday CUP From 2014


deweyandsharonDear Friends of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Here we are on Good Friday and approaching Resurrection Sunday……..May you and yours even come closer to Jesus Christ.

We have been sharing for almost 2 weeks now, on the greatest event in history, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for joining us. We love you all so much!

Please pray for all pastor’s who will be preaching today and on Resurrection Sunday.

I will be delivering the Word of God at the Reserve, NM Baptist Church at 11am this Sunday. I’ll be preaching on, “Why do I have to go to church every Easter, it’s always the same thing” Come if you can and hear new things with open ears! Luke 24.

1 cross + 3 nails = 4 giveness

Billy Graham: Christ broke the bonds of death by His resurrection, and from that moment on, Satan was a defeated foe.

More from Billy:

For Good Friday read 1 Cor 15: 44-49

Good Friday celebrates the day our Lord
died for our sins on the cross. I have often
sat by the hour and tried to imagine the agony
and suffering He went through because of our
sins. At one point He said from the cross, “It is
finished” (John 19:30). He meant that God had
accepted His work on the cross as the penalty
for our sins. Christ’s death on our behalf is the
reason God can forgive us and still be just. And
His death teaches us the depth and breadth
that there should be in our forgiveness of one
another. While that holy Friday
was tremendous, it was only a
prelude to Sunday morning
when He was raised from the
dead. Godly women had come
to see His tomb, but angels made
the glorious announcement,
“He has risen!” (Luke 24:6).
His resurrection guaranteed
that we, too, will be raised, if
we are believers and obeyers
of His Word.
As you celebrate the truth that Jesus came from
Heaven to redeem you, are you reflecting His
likeness to those around you?

So many folks are going to FGGAM.ORG and watching this video!

AWESOME! Music Video: Easter Version Of “Hallelujah”

Gotta share with you that the Lord is blessing us so much……..FGGAM.ORG is getting thousands of visits from Europe. PRAISE GOD!

We have this prayer need………

Hi Dewey,

Please forward this to the prayer warriors. My boss Jim Lee has been having
severe allergic reactions to either pecans or seafood. They cause bad reactions
in the body. He had to spend a night in the hospital and could have died if he
wasn’t on medication. Please pray for proper diagnosis and healing. He is a
believer in Christ.

Much appreciated,

Ken W

We are in prayer Ken. Please let Jim we are praying for healing, in Jesus name, Amen!

This is so wonderful from our Sister in Christ, Shari Johnson……

good friday

John 18:38-40

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber.

Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? I stopped when I read those words this morning. What is truth?Truth is what Pilate had standing before him; the only truth I’ve ever known. Even Pilate came to his defense ….I find in him no fault at all…. And yet they continued to insist He be crucified and a robber released. There has to be times in every Christian’s life where you say to yourself, ‘how does this make sense? Could there have been no other way?’ I think of what a great friend Jesus has been to me, how His Spirit has ministered to me in countless ways. He has been my Comforter in the days of sorrow, my Conviction in the days of sin, my Comedic relief when life got too serious, yes, He make me laugh. Again I asked and answered my own question.

The truth about Friday is none of that could have been, had Jesus not fulfilled the plan of God. He went willingly as an innocent lamb to slaughter so that we could have the hope of eternity through His resurrection and experience the Holy Spirit living within us. The truth about Friday is Jesus knew about Sunday. He’d told His disciples about Sunday, but in their fear, sorrow and loss they forgot. I’m not pointing any fingers, sometimes I don’t get it either. Like when I ask “Why?” and then I remember, “Oh yeah, He did that for me.” Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?

The truth about Friday is I wish it did not have to be, but I know in my heart there was no other way for me to have forgiveness, there was no other sacrifice worthy except the Lamb of God that would restore the relationship between God and man. Man messed it up with sin, God had to fix it.

The truth about Friday is, I’m responsible for it (and you); our sin caused that whole chain of events to be deemed necessary by God and yet it is good. It is good for us that Jesus was willing to pay the cost so that we don’t have to. It is good that for us Jesus won victory over the grave so that we don’t have to fear it. It is good that regardless of what life hands us, Jesus’ hands let us know that God is ultimately in control of everything and it is good.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The truth about Friday is it had a purpose… and that purpose was you.

Now go here…………

Then Came Sunday

The Cross of Christ is the source of all blessings, the cause of all graces

May you and yours have a very blessed Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, please pray for us, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team.

May many come to Jesus this day and this weekend!

Let us keep praying for each other and our families.

We love you al so much, more than you know!

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