Unbelievable, But Sadly True! United States Poisoning Citizens For Climate Change

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot 
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
Pastor Dewey Note: I weep for my Country. I am shocked and severally disappointed in what is happening in my country. Hard to believe this is the country I grew up in.

NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
 Thursday, April 3, 2014 


Government poisoning people for climate change


If it wasn’t true, it would be fodder for some sci-fi movie. The occupant of the Oval Office and his cohorts are so desperate to prove that climate change is harmful to people that they allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct experiments on humans “to better understand the health effects of pollution on humans.” In real speak, this means that the federal government poisoned people to prove a point about their political agenda. At the request of Congress, the EPA conducted an audit to determine whether it followed “applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures and guidance when it exposed human subjects to diesel exhaust emissions or concentrated airborne particles.”


The EPA Office of Inspector General then admits that “The EPA conducts human research studies to better understand the health effects of pollution on humans. This report addresses the following EPA theme: Addressing climate change and improving air quality.” To prove impact of climate change, the EPA conducted pollutant studies on 81 “human study subjects.” It obtained consent forms from the “human study subjects,” but admits: “While the consent forms met the requirements of 40 CFR Part 26, we found that exposure risks were not always consistently represented. Further, the EPA did not include information on long-term cancer risks in its diesel exhaust studies’ consent forms.”


EPA didn’t disclose the long-term risks because “An EPA manager considered these long-term risks minimal for short-term study exposures.” The report also shows pictures of the little gas chambers used to expose the “human study subjects” to their pollutants. EPA says they have been conducting similar studies for ten years, but it was the 2010 and 2011 years where the climate change studies were conducted without proper disclosure. The Daily Caller reports the EPA exposed people to 40 and 50 times the level that is safe for humans. A source told the Daily Caller that subjects developed coughs and suffered from cardiac arrhythmia during testing on ozone and clean air. Prior tests were also conducted on children.


Its one thing to understand our environment, its another to use tax money and deadly tests on citizens, especially children, to try to prove a political theory and advance a climate change tax and regulatory agenda. This is a far cry from a government for the people, of the people and by the people. It is no longer when considering the various unconstitutional and unelected agencies–CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, IRS, EPA, INS–who are spying on and targeting American citizens under this Administration. These evildoers thrive on our watch as Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” ‘Time to complete a sentence…


Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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