A Prophetic Shadow For America

The Daily Jot 
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
     Wednesday, May 7, 2014 

  A prophetic shadow for America   WorldNetDaily reports an incident in the San Francisco area where folks came to a school where officials had banned the American flag on the day of the Mexican celebration of Cinco De Mayo “to avoid violence.” The ban was actually upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals four years ago, deciding that First Amendment rights to free speech could be “suspended” to avoid violence. It was the Mexican students who threatened violence because others were wearing T Shirts with American flag themes on Cinco De Mayo. Granted, the 9th Circuit is arguably the most leftist court in the nation, but this incident and the subsequent actions of Hispanic students could be a prophetic shadow for America.   According to WorldNetDaily, a small group of protesters, calling themselves the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Patriots, waved the American flag in front of the school that had banned it. Hispanic students at the school were outraged that these people would wave the American flag on Cinco De Mayo and blasted the social media airwaves with accusations of racism. Many profanity-laced tweets ensued: what was “wrong with these white people holding up American flags in Morgan Hill??? Racist a——s…; F— your American flag. Racist a——s. I’ll always have pride with my Mexican flag but not the American one.” The school superintendent in Morgan Hill said students wearing US flag clothing “won’t be kicked out.”  Really?   You see where this is headed? At one point in American history, those coming to America loved the American ideal. They kept their individualism and heritage, but submitted it to and assimilated into the American culture. This country was a melting pot that carried the mindset and ideal of being American. I would never venture to say that all Hispanics coming to the United States are represented by these misguided students who are projecting their own racist hearts toward Americans. I will presume, however, that a majority of those who broke the law to get here have a predisposed mindset toward America being a destination to access resources rather than a place of assimilation and embracing.   Herein lies the problem: At the mere threat of violence, the 9th Circuit Court took away the rights of the law-abiding in deference to the lawless, who as a distinct minority do not accept the culture of their “adopted” country.  When Congress allows amnesty, the American Constitutional Republic is threatened because the lawless will have taken precedent over the lawful. This is unbiblical and will result in drastic consequences. While the Bible says that we should not vex a stranger, it also says in Exodus 12:49, “One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you.” Numbers 15:15 adds: “as you are, so shall the stranger be before the LORD.”  The sojourner should abide in our laws, and we are all the same before the Lord. There is no place for racism or lawlessness. Both threaten our nation.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson www.dailyjot.com
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