Conspiracy Brews 6.21.14


If you like your coffee and your politics flavorful, served with a heaping dose of civility by a diverse group of interesting people from all parts of the political spectrum then you should be joining us every Saturday. Started in 2007 over coffee and lively conversation by a group of concerned friends and neighbors, ‘Conspiracy Brews’ is committed to finding solutions to some of our State’s toughest problems. Our zest for constructive political discourse is only equaled by our belief that the only way forward is to exchange our views in a relaxed and friendly setting.   For additional information or to be added to our e-mail list contact:

Conspiracy Brews  

“Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none.”

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin 1767
Benjamin Franklin 1767 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Not your average political discussion group!

June 21, 2014

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Southwest Secondary Learning Center
10301 Candelaria Rd NE
(northwest corner of Candelaria and Morris)

We think that government should be open and honest at all times.
People from all political parties are welcome.

 ***Quotes of the Week***

“I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure.”

John D. Rockefeller

“Recession is when a neighbor loses his job.   Depression is when you lose yours.”

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan aboard an Ameri...
Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan aboard an American boat in California, 1964. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Suggested Topics


— Steve Verzwyvelt came and Steve Verzwyvelt went…Susana’s debut at Park City Utah for Mitt Romney’s ideas summit…how do these portend for the fall election?



— What is Conspiracy Brews and what direction should it head?



— What are Michelle Lujan-Grisham’s accomplishment? (It wasn’t answered last week)

#GetCovered Press Conference - March 14, 2014
#GetCovered Press Conference – March 14, 2014 (Photo credit: House Democrats)


(Light Quotes of the week)

“The only time to buy these is on a day with no ‘y’ in it.”

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett speaking to a group of students...
Warren Buffett speaking to a group of students from the Kansas University School of Business (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“I always keep a supply of stimulant hand in case I see a snake—which I also keep handy.”

W.C. Fields

English: W.C. Fields
English: W.C. Fields (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


“Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.”

Oscar Wilde

English: Oscar Wilde, photographic print on ca...
English: Oscar Wilde, photographic print on card mount: albumen. Español: Oscar Wilde, impresión fotográfica en papel de albúmina. Français : Oscar Wilde, une photographie connue. Tirage albumen sur carte. Gaeilge: Oscar Wilde, prionta ghriangraf ar cárta albaimin. Italiano: Oscar Wilde, una fotografia che ci sia pervenuta, ricavata da una stampa fotografica. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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