Is The Fall Of Mosul In Iraq To The Jihadists A “Game Changer”?


Is the Fall of Mosul in Iraq to the Jihadists a “Game Changer”?
Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah, JCPA

The radical group, the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS),” has scored a huge achievement with the capture of Mosul, Iraq’s second biggest city with over 1.5 million inhabitants, and areas of the Kirkuk oil producing province. ISIS presented the non-Muslim population with three choices: either convert, pay a special tax (the Islamic per capita tax “jizya”) applied to non-Muslims, or leave the area. A first signs of this development are the 500,000 residents of Mosul fleeing the area, mostly Assyrians of Christian faith, who historically were the majority of the population in the Ninawa (Nineveh) Governorate surrounding Mosul. Read More

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