“How Much Longer Are The American People Going To Allow Their Children To Be Turned Over To These Perverts?” Life Dynamics President Mark Crutcher


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“How much longer are the American people going to allow their children to be turned over to these perverts? Enough is enough,”  Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher.


Today, Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas has responded to videos showing Planned Parenthood coaching a young girl about BDSM sex acts.



The videos are a result of an undercover investigation conducted by Live Action which can be viewed at www.PlannedParenthoodExposed.com




Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics was outraged after he viewed the Live Action videos and has posted a video response on YouTube calling for the government to finally stop funding Planned Parenthood.


In the video Crutcher states, “At Life Dynamics, we did an undercover sting operation over 10 years ago proving that Planned Parenthood is operating a nationwide pedophile protection ring.  And it is still in business today.  Now, Live Action has shown that another sort of demented and illegal behavior is also going on. Look, what we know is that Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a collection of moral degenerates and sexual deviants.  And again, Live Action just proved it. There are only two things we don’t know.  First, when is the US government going to stop giving these people two million dollars a day in our money?  And second, how much longer are the American people going to allow their children to be turned over to these perverts? Enough is enough.”


About Life Dynamics’ Sting Operation:

In a 2002 child predator investigationLife Dynamics called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across the nation.

The caller portrayed a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by her 22-year-old boyfriend. Her story was that she wanted an abortion because she and her boyfriend did not want her parents to find out about the sexual relationship. In every call the age of the girl and her boyfriend were made perfectly clear. It was also made clear that the motivation for the abortion was to conceal this illicit sexual activity from the girl’s parents and the authorities. Additionally, our caller never said a single thing that might suggest that her parents would become abusive if they discovered her sexual activity.

Even though many of these clinics openly acknowledged to the caller that this situation was illegal and they were required to report it to the state, the overwhelming majority readily agreed to conceal this illegal activity.  (Listen to actual audio tapes of the calls here)

Life Dynamics president Mark Crutcher explains what they found, “When we began to investigate we found it was even worse than we thought it was. Initially we thought perhaps the abortion clinics were only reporting half of the incidents, but instead we found that they were reporting hardly any of them.

During these calls it was not uncommon for the Planned Parenthood or National Abortion Federation representative to warn the Life Dynamics’ caller that if someone were to find out about this situation her boyfriend could go to jail. In those situations it was unmistakable that the caller was being instructed to be more careful about what information she gave out and to whom. It was also not uncommon for the employee to interrupt the caller when she started talking about her age or the age of her boyfriend. On those occasions the obvious indication was that the employee did not want to hear this information.

Sometimes the caller would be told that, technically speaking, the clinic was required to report this activity to the state but that if the caller would either lie about her age or just keep her mouth shut when she came in for her abortion, no one would ask any questions. Several times she was told that the facility had no interest in the ages of the parties involved or that they do not verify ages or check IDs and would accept whatever she told them at face value. One employee went so far as to tell her that if she came in with the cash she could be any age she wanted to be.

Perhaps even more disturbing is that Life Dynamics identified a willingness by these employees to facilitate ongoing criminal behavior. At some point, the caller would raise the possibility that she might not be pregnant and asked whether the clinic would help her get birth control. Over 90 percent agreed to supply her with birth control and thereby help her conceal this illegal relationship. This offer was made even by people who had earlier in the call correctly identified this situation as sexual abuse or statutory rape.

“In many of these instances, they told our caller that her adult boyfriend could come with her to pick up the birth control, and some even offered to let him pick it up without her,” explains Crutcher.

In other words, even though they had evidence that a sexual crime was being committed against a 13-year-old child, they were not only willing to conspire with the perpetrator to cover it up but they offered to provide him the means by which he could continue the abuse,” Crutcher states.

When Life Dynamics completed their phone survey, one of the most alarming observations they made was about the manner in which these Planned Parenthood or abortion facilities handled these calls. From start to finish, the attitudes of the employees the caller talked to made it brutally obvious that this is an issue they deal with routinely. In fact, several of them even volunteered that they get calls like this all the time.

 “In the final analysis, virtually every Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facility we contacted was willing to illegally conceal the sexual abuse of this 13-year-old girl, ” reports Crutcher.

Life Dynamics says that they are in the process of compiling shocking data for the second part to this investigation which will include horrific details from court cases where children werereturned to their pedophile abusers after being taken to family planning clinics.

This new report will clearly show that the abuse Life Dynamics documented in 2002 continues to this day.



For an interview contact Life Dynamics here (940) 380-8800

About Life Dynamics https://www.lifedynamics.com





Life Dynamics

Po Box 2226

Denton, TX. 76202-2226




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