New Mexico Continues To Lose Jobs, Republicans And Democrats Fail The People


The Republican party and Governor Martinez along with the Democrats have failed the New Mexico people once again. With all their wind power, which I call “Nothing noise” have failed in their ‘hot winded’ attempts to revive New Mexico’s very weak economy.New Mexico needs a strong third party to arise and help turn this state around. The Democrats and Republicans have failed. The State is in trouble with a bad economy, no turn around insight, a severe drought that is getting worse with lakes, creeks, and streams drying up. The state leaders have failed to plan, failed to diversify the economy. If these folks at the Roundhouse think that this white elephant they call the “Spaceport” will turn this state around, we are in deeper trouble than I thought! The state has wasted millions of tax payers dollars on this ‘Star Trek’ project. I hear no outcry from Republicans, the Governor or the Democrats on this waste!  New Mexico is one of just two states in the United States that continues to lose jobs, how will Governor Martinez put a spin on this? And whateverNM Legislature Gary King will say, is sure to be nonsense!  KOB TV reports:…

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