The Sunni Storm In Iraq

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The Sunni Storm in Iraq!
In recent weeks, the world has been shocked by reports of an extremist Islamic militia rampaging through Iraq and seizing a major swath of territory away from the government in Baghdad. The group is called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and has been around for more than a decade, since the US-led invasion of Iraq. But there is a lot of mystery surrounding how they went from a small militia to a very dangerous and aggressive fighting force almost overnight. Now the group was once affiliated with al-Qaeda, but even they are distancing themselves from the ISIS due to their brutal tactics against innocent Arab civilians. Their goal is to set up a Sunni Arab caliphate in Iraq and Syria and then extend it to the entire Levant, which would include Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. Their sudden advances in Iraq are also drawing other regional powers like Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia into the fray, while the US is watching all the blood and toil it poured into a united, stable Iraq go to waste. So just who is this radical Islamic militia ISIS? How did they emerge as a real force in the region? Where are their fighters, weapons and support coming from? How are their recent advances impacting the region? And what should the US, the West and especially Israel do in the face of this new threat?  The Sunni Storm in Iraq! That’s our main feature this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll bring you a review and analysis on the shocking victories of the radical ISIS militia in Iraq and what it means for the region. Our guest analyst will be Prof. Efraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv.

Airing the weekend of June 28, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, June 30, 2014

Program Features    

On this week’s program, we’re looking at the recent rampaging by the radical Islamist militia ISIS in Iraq and how their sudden emergence as a regional force is shaking up the entire Middle East? For insights and analysis on this topic, we turned to Prof. Efraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv.

Bnei Menashe arrive in Israel (ICEJ Staff photograph)

ICEJ Report
It’s now time for our ICEJ Report, when we cover recent projects and activities of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. Today, we have an update on the sudden surge in the number of Jews coming home to Israel and how the Christian Embassy has been involved in this historic and prophetic return. We’ll be speaking to ICEJ International Director Rev. Juha Ketola about the latest wave of aliyah.

 Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts

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Farewell to Peres!

Next month, Israel’s legendary political leader Shimon Peres will step down after serving his seven-year term as the nation’s president. Now 90 years old, Peres has been engaged in Israeli public life since the 1950s, spanning a period of over 60 years. He’s been involved one way or the other in all the major decisions which Israel has made since he served as an assistant to founding premier David Ben-Gurion. And he is respected around the world for spearheading the Israeli quest for peace with the Palestinians over recent decades. Now Peres will leave behind a complex legacy. He was originally considered a hawk who was a major arms purchaser for the young nation’s struggling military and the key figure who pioneered Israel’s nuclear program. But in his later decades, Peres was the unquestioned leader of the dovish camp who opened contacts with the PLO in his own relentless search for peace. So what will be the lasting impact of Shimon Peres? Just how unique is he among Israeli and world leaders? What were the greatest contributions of Peres to his nation, as well as his most controversial moves? What has been the secret to his political longevity? And what will be the true test of his legacy? Farewell to Peres! That’s our main feature this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll take a look back at the incredibly long political career of Shimon Peres and his lasting impact on Israel, the region and the world. Our guest analyst will be Gil Hoffman, chief political correspondent for The Jerusalem Post. Plus, Israel is starting to face criticism over its desperate search for the three young yeshiva students kidnapped by Hamas, but the Bible contains several examples of search-and-rescue missions that were considered just and upright. We’ll take a look at these biblical precedents in next week’s Word From Zion.

Airing the weekend of July 5, 2014

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, July 7, 2014

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