Prophetic consequences of a regional disaster
The Merced Sun Star is carrying a lengthy story by McClatchy Washington Bureau’s Jonathan Landay that attempts to analyze how the Islamic State (ISIS) seemed to appear out of no where and take over parts of Syria and Iraq. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk testified before a House committee February 5 (four months before ISIS was in the US public eye) that ISIS’s operations “are calculated, coordinated and part of a strategic campaign…to collapse the Iraqi state and carve out a zone of governing control in western regions of Iraq and Syria.” The White House obviously knew about ISIS and its goals long before it became a regional warring force.
Details emerged in June that the leader of the al Qaeda offshoot–Abu Duaa (now called Abu Bakr al Baghdadi among other aliases) was released in 2009 when the US “president” shut down the Bucca prison camp in Iraq. Abu sees both Syria and Iraq as an Islamic state, the beginning of a single al Qaeda caliphate, having recruited over 7,000 fighters and controlling large swaths of territory in Northeastern Syria and Northwestern Iraq. It was revealed further by Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily and confirmed by Reuters and others that the White House authorized the training of dozens of ISIS members as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Stating the obvious, California Republican Congressman Ed Royce is quoted as saying, “What started as a crisis in Syria has become a regional disaster with serious global implications.” Congressman Royce and the others on Capitol Hill and in the Supreme Court might ought to suspend their disbelief that they are dealing with an incompetent “president” and wake up to reality. This US “president” embarked on a strategy to destabilize the Middle East from the onset of his administration, starting with his “New Beginnings” speech in June 2009. Arab Spring, Libya, Egypt, Syria and a host of other countries in the Middle East are now directly influenced by al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Its not a crisis, it is a strategy.
The region of the traditional enemies of Israel is emboldened and strengthened by the US “president” like never before in history. We may well be witnessing the very beginnings of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies and many others throughout the scriptures taking shape before our very eyes. An Arab unifying caliphate is attempting to take hold. Islamic eschatology and Judeo-Christian eschatology may now be placed on a collision course. Islamic states that come against Israel–Ezekiel 38:2-13: Meshech (Turkey); Tubal (Turkey); Persia (Iran); Ethiopia (Sudan); Libya (Libya), Gomer (Turkey), Togarmah (Turkey); Sheba (Saudi Arabia); Dedan (Saudi Arabia): “To take a spoil, and to take a prey.”
The nation to watch is Turkey. Publicly, Turkey opposes ISIS. The Middle East Forum’s Daniel Pipes, however, reports otherwise in a June 18 Washington Times article that said Turkey has paid $800 million to ISIS for oil shipments and has allowed ISIS access to its border with Syria. Pipes writes: “Actually, the Turks offered far more than an easy border crossing: they provided the bulk of ISIS’ funds, logistics, training and arms. Turkish residents near the Syrian border tell of Turkish ambulances going to Kurdish-ISIS battle zones and then evacuating ISIS casualties to Turkish hospitals.” There are deceivers and deceptions ongoing in this saga. It’s time to know your eschatology that you are not deceived.