Can I Persuade You?


Acts 28:23-24~ And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening. And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.

If I could do anything for anyone this morning, I would hope to persuade them concerning Jesus. If you’re reading this blog, then you likely already know Jesus, but perhaps not. But let me encourage you today in a walk with Christ be it new or old, mainly because I need encouragement too! The road to Heaven is not an express lane, but rather a neglected path, left to the tenants who dwell there. It won’t be an easy journey but it’s well worth the trip!

Destination Driven

I remember the B.C. days “Before Christ.” There was no destination. There was an intended trip; I wanted to go to Heaven, but I wasn’t sure that’s where I’d end up. I remember the uncertainty of it all and how very terrifying death was. How priceless is it to now know that my ticket’s been purchased and I’m destination driven. I have that promise of an eternity with my Lord, He who created the Heaven and the earth in all its splendor. I don’t question His existence, it’s evident on the road I travel. It’s the reason I celebrate!

Purpose Empowered

Not only do I now know where I’m going I know what I’m doing along the way! I wasn’t put on this earth without reason, nor were you. The journey is not meant for you to view it’s splendor but to partake in it. There’s a piece of land along the way that you’re accountable for and inhabitants in that land that need Christ. The road you’re traveling today is either for you to find Christ or for you to share Christ, you’re without excuse on either.

Happily Housed!

My home is where I sleep and enjoy my family, but my house is the house of the Lord. It’s where my heart is most days. I understand why David said in Psalm 122:1 – I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” I’m glad too! I love my church! If you don’t love yours then either your heart is wrong, or your church is wrong. Christ gave His life for the church. It’s not just a building… it’s a central location where the children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ meet to be encouraged and edified with the Word of God. It’s where the broken are bandaged and the comfortless are comforted. It’s where sinners are saved, the lost are located and we worship the Creator of all the Universe… and we have coffee, laugh and enjoy the company… at least at my house.

Today I have a desire to persuade you concerning Jesus, It’s Wednesday! The doors are open in my church and many others this evening… please join us!

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