Dan and Birga, Friends of FGGAM


birgadanrosenDan and Birga

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries will be 2 years young on Sept. 1st.  It’s been a journey of AWE of our GOD in these two years, starting with our GOD  our faith,  family and friends.  We are giving thanks and praise to our LORD! Amen! We boast in HIS greatness! We have received prayers and support from people all over the world! The crew at Son Broadcasting has been with us from the start.

Colossians 3:23-24 teaches us……..

Work Willing at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.

Here is a few words from our Dear Friends, Dan and Birga………

I have known Dewey for many years. His heart of love and compassion for the Church and for his community have always been evident. When he launched FGGAM, it was a leap of faith, and an act of excited obedience for a task the Lord had called him to. It’s been an honor to work alongside of Dewey on the radio, in prayer and in ministry. Congratulation on the 2 year mark of a ministry that it touching the lives of thousands!

Birga Alden

Morning Show Host


We are living in the midst of great evil. Look around and see where this world is headed and it is a frightening thing. Thus, the reason I am thankful for the help and presence of FOR GOD’S GLORY ALONE MINISTRIES I am thankful for the way FGGAM not only tells us the truth about what is going on in our world and society, but for the way they help us focus our Biblical Worldview on the issues of our day.

In this day when many have “itching ears” I am grateful for a ministry that consistently tells it like it is from the Light of God’s Word! Congratulations on two great years and may you continue to faithfully testify to God’s Truth.

Dan Rosecrans

Program Director


Thank you Dan and Birga for your love and support! You can hear the wonderful Godly team of Dan and Birga weekday mornings from 7 to 9am on AM730 KDAZ, we also stream AM730 right here from our website.

God did not give us a cowardly spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7

We thank you all for your love and support!

Please continue to pray for us as we go forth.

Let us pray for Annette Garcia President of Son Broadcasting as she travels with others to Israel………….Annette has been such a prayer partner for Sharon and I over the years!

Son Broadcasting President Annette Garcia Selected to Travel With: “Christians In Solidarity With Israel”

We are in constant AWE of GOD: To find out more what the Lord has done with FGGAM over the last 2 years go here:

Dr. Joe Fawcett Appreciates The Ministry of FGGAM

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